Pamberi - TKO

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2011 Trinidad Panorama Finals (Medium)

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  • I completely enjoyed this arrangement. What was great about this for me is my mothers house is right down the hill and across the river from Pamberi's yard, and to hear how the location and layout of the yard amplified their practice of the arrangement all over the area, Friday before Panorama, was a beautiful thing to the ears. Too bad they didnt win
  • This arrangement was good (thumbs up) i enjoyed it. I probably would've turned the tempo up just a little more but very well interpreted.
  • Wow! Beautiful performance! You're right, this was a winning performance, and it is a testimony to the high standard of the competition that they didn't win. 

    Glad to see Pamberi again after all these years. They still have that haunting quality to their music that they used to have under Godwin Bowen. (What happened to him, I wonder?) Somebody said it's because they practice next to a cemetery, LOL!

    Anyway, this was a great performance, so excellent that it seems casual, like Muhammad Ali defeating George Foreman, a performance of grace and artistry that almost, but not quite, hides the blood and sweat and tears it takes to do it.

    It makes *me* feel proud and I had nothing to do with it!

    - Big Sid

  • They were my pick for medium category... loved the depiction... TKO knock out!
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