Pan Elite "Spankin" 2014 Panorama Prelims Single Pan Eastern Region
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You need to be a member of When Steel Talks to add comments!
Thank you to the crew who did the tech stuff to get this out to us...all over the world..."in foreign".
Great to see so MANY young people involved in such a great experience.
TnT is awesome. No other country has SO MANY YOUNG PEOPLE involoed in
such an production. Be proud of yourselves.
Keep up the GOOD WORK, pannists. Even if you get criticism...not so much praise...
LISTEN and make effort to improve. YOU WILL SUCCEED.
Stick control and having a Musical Ear,,knowing when a note sounds sour due to mishandling of the same and readjusting oneself to bring out the sweetness of that said note.,,,,,Balance.,,,,.
This is known as Beating pan not PLAYING your instrument
Players need to learn how to "touch" the instrument...
Well the bass section is definitely weak.