Pan in Danger - Merchant - audio version arranged by Leston Paul (1985)

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From his 1985 album "Rock It" here is the audio version of Merchant's classic pan calypso "Pan in Danger"The album was arranged by Leston Paul .Kaiso, maestro kaiso!

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  • Wow 1985 and this pan sounds as sweet as the modern pan of today. . Leston Paul , Merchant. , what a great combination. . Does anyone know who was the panist on this recording?
  • Merchant one of the best calypsonian/Soca singers ever

  •  Greetings: Ah Love this tune so much dat sometimes  ah use it to wake meh up on ah Sunday. Guidance Dr. Lance Seunarine

  • This tune "rocked" the DC area Caribbean clubs and parties for many months after its release.

    A masterfully arranged Leston Paul/Merchant classic.

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