Pan in Harmony - Parallel Overtones - Garvin Blake - WST Exclusive

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A When Steel Talks Exclusive - "Pan in Harmony" Garvin Blake - Steelpan Frankie McIntosh - Piano Calvin Jones - Bass Sheldon Thwaites -- Drums Abdou Mboup -- Percussion Read full review . Get the Parallel Overtones album now on iTunes:

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  • My friend Dalton was so impressed by this album , that he sent me a copy (Thank You , Dalton) ,and I found it very impressive.

    A sweet, soothing , delightful calypso jazz album , performed by highly skilled professional musicians.

    My first thought on hearing it was how smoothly these older calypsos adapted to a free form jazz format.

    It also occurred to me that these Caribbean flavored jazz pieces belonged to a familiar category of music ,that can be called "Caribbean" or more specifically "Calypso jazz" , a genre that has been around for decades and performed by Trinidad's jazz musicians  such as Rupert Clemendore and Felix Roach , and including such contemporary panists like Rudy "Two Leff" Smith and Othello Molineaux .

    In other words , the pan is such a natural fit in this format , that one can easily forget that the lead instrument is a hand made steelpan.

    It is unfortunate that today , the entire jazz genre does not have the cachet , the appreciation of the youth as it did in years gone by.

    This would limit the appeal and exposure of this beautiful album , except among connoisseurs of fine jazz, who unfortunately are today older , and in the minority. 

    Which is to bad , because this album is an outstanding piece of work , featuring some extremely sophisticated and beautiful panmanship by Gavin Blake.

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