Video and audio performances of steelband panorama champions of Trinidad and Tobago. 1963 to present
Panorama Champions - 1963 to Present - Performances on Video
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I think this is fantastic listening and watching from 1963, and I am in Toronto Canada.
Harmonites and Hatters steelban were always entertaining!
PANAM NORTH STARS......SWEET MEMORIES!!!......Desperadoes is about to take over the steelpan world with their sweet,sweet music 'Melda' Cavaliers were also part of the mix along with MY BAND 'ESSO TRIPOLI'...........STARLIFT WAS ALWAYS A STEELBAND FORCE TO RECKON WITH, IN THE SIXTIES AND BEYOND....'MY SWEET! MEMORIES IN PAN' OH! HOW I LOVE IT!!!
No mention was made of Pan in A Minor by Renegades,one of the all time greatt arrangements in Panorama that did not win!
When you have an archive like this it is no wonder why All Stars get the benefit of the doubt when playing because their music selections over the years were at such a high standard and energetic, that it made most of Renegades and Phase II and Desperadoes, performances sound and look dated and boring. I am not saying it was not musical, however they just seem to have a rhythm that was not panorama as I remembered it. Lots of classics were played and enjoyed over the years but my top fifteen, featured many of All Stars selections. I guess it is like todays Carnival bands where only a few actually stand out and portray something inventive and creative. Memorable performances stand out though from Renegades like Mistry Band from Dr. Jit Samaroo with the cast of Panist singing and captivating the North and Grand stands encouraging them to sing along, with a tempo to dance jump prance and do whatever you like. Not many of the other bands keeps the fire burning in their track selection and as such may win on arrangements but not overall vibe.
My chart is as follows for the top 15 best tunes on Pan: -
There were 6 tunes that didn’t make the charts because they were not winning selections.
The problem is there are mostly from one band and that is All Stars.
I could be a bit bias because I am an All Stars man but you just have to look at the variety of music that was provided over the years from All Stars to know they are the undoubtable kings and Queens of PAN in the world and the oldest surviving band in the history of panorama.
Glen My Bro. Its nice to be Humble. We all Appreciate Both you and De Pan In Me Contributions. Thanks My Cultural Brothers for Keeping Pan Alive.!
Thank you , WST for putting together this compilation .
I am enjoying it.
And to those who wish to give me credit , please remember that our friend ODW (IsDePaninMe) is responsible for as many if not more of these videos as I am .As a matter of fact , he may be the largest contributor of pan videos to the entire internet .
We pan lovers owe him an immense debt .
Its great to hear this. It brings back good memories of the genius, Anthony Williams. But why is there so much change to the original arrangement? I was only fourteen years old playing along side Edward, Headers, Moore and others on the double tenor. The late Noble Marshall on the base and the rest of the band off course. I still remember the runs, harmony, the change key but could not follow.