Power Stars Steel Orchestra performing “It’s Showtime” arranged by Arddin Herbert

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Trinidad & Tobago 2011 National Panorama - Preliminaries - Medium Band Category

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  • smooth performance
  • fantastic performance , keep it up!!
  • Well  done.Simple and sweet sounds

  • watch out professor ,addin put down a real sweet rendition of showtime ,well done Power Stars
  • Its showtime
  • love introduction this was a beautiful rendition of showtime

  • How come we can see Alstars,Phase II,Renegades,Eodus and Silver Stars in the large bands category of the PRELIMINARIES and can't see other bands,somthing is wrong,looks like who ever responsible, is already trying to tell us these are the only bands could win panorama.
  • Excellent performance
  • Very impressive!
  • Very good job, it have the heat in it.
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