Raf Robertson - Kitch's "Pan Night and Day"

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Raf Robertson is a noted pianist, panist, vocalist, steelband arranger and all round musician from Trinidad and Tobago.His album "Branches" features unique interpretations of the music of the Grandmaster, the late Lord Kitchener.His respect and admiration of the Grand Master is obvious in his arrangementsHere, from his 1994 album "Branches" is his cool, jazzy version of Kitch's "Pan Night and Day"Gavin Blake is featured on the steel pan, with Raf on the keyboards.

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    We were fortunate to share and enjoy the musical gifts you've left us.

    May they be your legacy.

  • Beautiful...
  • Very nice...Thanks!
  • Big  up, Raf!!




  • Winston, the album credits Eddie Bullen with Bass, flute and drum programming.

    Raf is listed as Keyboards, piano, bass, percussion, steel pan on PANORAMA NIGHT
  • Very nice. I have the album and most of the the tunes are lord Kitch's which were also nice. The pianist is Eddy Bullen from Grenada who is a very good friend of mine.
  • nice


  • Sweet.
  • Frightfully delightful! BTW,..... my audio was loud and clear.
  • Sorry Glen, my error not turning on speakers.......T:)
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