RENEGADES STEEL ORCHESTRA - Baron's "Somebody" arranged by Jit Samaroo(1989)

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Renegades performance of Baron's "Somebody" won the judges nod for first place in T&T Panorama Finals, 1989, beating Fonclaire and Phase II into a second place tie.This semifinal performance is a classic example of the Jit Samaroo/ Renegades sound that dominated the Panorama scene in the 1980's and 1990's.

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  • Was in the north stand..that's my band lived in the Harpe when down for carnival evry year back then..beautiful

  • Love it!  One of my favorite numbers done very well by Renegades.  Outstanding!!! 

  • Aye-ya-yi!!

  • Barry Mannette is right. Dr. Jits orchestration is fantastic.

  • I love this piece. Jit and Renegades were able to silence their critics in '89. All the people who said that Jit and Renegades could only do Kitchener's music and be successful had to sit up and really pay attention to this one. Jit's orchestration is the best!!!!


  • Thanks again.Anyone has Ray Holman's '69 & 70's:- *The Bull/*Pan On The Move/*Pan on The Run{Starlift} & *We Kinda Music/*Panyard Vibrations{PanDemonium}???...TRUE-TRUE CLASSICS. Please post if you do. ASE! One Love...PAN!!!
  • phase 2 were better than all that night - half a point i could never understand
  • I still have this shirt...
  • Fabulous!
  • I love this Baron song / thanx for posting it !!
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