Robert Munro - Lord Kitchener's "Symphony in G"

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The quatro based "parang" sound is one of the lesser known musical treasures of Trinidad and Tobago.The traditional music of the Spanish Creole people of Trinidad,it has also become Trinidad's preferred Christmas music, and soca parang is almost a musical genre unto itself.One of the best and certainly the best known of the parang quatro players is Robert Munro. Here he is with his friends and a parang version of Lord Kitchener's "Symphony in G"An excellent representation of the 'parang' calypso sound!

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  • Glenroy, Why did I miss this when it was posted 3 years ago? Man, this is wicked!!

  • Pardna, Robert Munro is a true, true master!!! Dat man playing chord melodies at tempo on a cuatro!!! Blistering rasqueados and he just cool... Wow, thanks for sharing this.

  • The men making de Quatro talk we.....

  • Parang; Parranda is originally Venezuelan music and just Xmas it´s the time to listen lots of "gaitas": groups of people playing cuatro, maracas and furruco. They use to have a walk and call to the houses doors just to sing the parranda . . . .

    Parranda and Soca: a great mixture 

  • Nice!

  • Parang is we christmas culture music,this is how we celebrate,I love it, could do with more...What was in dat pot boy?

  • Glenroy, yuh sure all dem people ent dead and in "HEAVEN" boy? 

  • I really love this,  real good, nice lime, good music...

  • This is another show case of the dept of talent and culture that is alive in Trinidad and Tobago, we are more than just another Caribbean island, with beaches and pretty brown skin girls catering for the tourists.

    There is only one sweet TnT God bless my people, I love you all.

    AYE! whey de Parang gone????? just so all yuh stop, nanananana we want more Perang!!!!!!

  • Nice real nice..I could see myself in dat lime.

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