Sel Duncan Orchestra "Moonlight Sonata"

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In the 1950's and 1960's, the smooth sounds of the Sel Duncan Orchestra were the preferred soundtrack for formal and semi-formal parties and dances of the day.Sel Duncan attracted a more mature, sophisticated crowd, and a function that featured that band usually required formal wear- formal dresses for women, and suits for men.The Sel Duncan repertoire included arrangements of classics, big band standards,Latin and pop tunes and of course calypso.Here is a taste of this classic Trinidad dance band, with an arrangement of the First Movement of Ludwig Van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata"From the album "Poetry In Rhythm"

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  • Great memories! My mum loved this, I could just see her mum dancing to this.

    I was very young, raw & unsophisticated  and didn't like it. At the time I could

    only appreciate calypso & steelband. How stupid of me!


  • I can re-live seeing my parents dance to Sel's music, loved his sound then, still love it. Thank God I still have his records. I agree with Lance, Clarence Curvan nusic showcased some elegant dancing, and elegant people. Could do with some of that today.

  •  Sel Duncan was the band of the generation before me that is my cousin Alvin Dorset and Norma Dorset. This is great but   for me and  Showboat ,we still love my Clarence Curvan and Beverly Griffith. Give thanks Dr. Lance Seunarine

  • This brought back great memories of a Blue Gardenia dance I went to years ago as a young woman, my first experience of that kind, quite beautiful actually and I could never forget.  This is real music which I just love. 

  • This is something GREAT!

  • Beautiful rhythms...

    I once went to a "COCKTAIL PARTY" where I did enjoy the brass band's music.

    The "AIRS" (affected mannerisms) of most folk there, trying not to "wine" to a calypso,

    daintily chew "hors d'oeuvres" while the glass for Scotch be held 'with much grace'.....Once was enough!!

    Anyway GRJ,  the orchestras of Sel Duncan, Sil Dobson, Pal Joey Lewis, Ron Berridge, The Vikings, Walsturn, Mano Marcelin, Ray Sylvester, Tropical Islanders and Byron Lee were some of the Big Bands of the Caribbean that I truly enjoyed.


  • Those were the FOXTROT days, bring back memories

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