Selections from " Super Group - Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band"

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The Tripoli Steel Orchestra of the 1960s and 1970s was one of the most highly acclaimed steel orchestras of all time, and the first to win a Grammy award.This band toured extensively in the sixties and seventies with a number of network television appearances,and was the band most responsible for introducing music lovers worldwide to the sound of a modern steelband.They appeared on many of the popular entertainment shows of the day, including performances with the great pianist Liberace.Here, from their album " Super Group - Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band" are selections :"The Man I Love" (George and Ira Gershwin),the popular Jamaican song, "Yellow Bird",and Cole Porter's "You do Something to me".

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  • Tripoli is 1 of the many bands that came out of (was spawned by) the legandary Sun Valley (this is according to Indian Rudi who played  with them in the very early days)

  • Good days of it all !!!

    Nice~!  this was the First Pan i ever heard.....   THEY are why i am a panwoman today .....  BIG UP Tripoli!

  • Historical..............
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