Silver Stars Steel Orchestra "Wonderful Land "

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"Wonderful Land" was a big hit in 1962 for the British group "The Shadows" , a guitar "combo" of the type popular in Trinidad and elsewhere that era.The tune wa also popularised in Trinidad and Tobago by the combo " Johnny Lee and the Hurricanes"Also popular was this fine , "bomb tune" style arrangement from Silver Stars and their arranger Edgar "Junior" Pouchet.From the early nineteen sixties , as featured on the album "The Best of Silver Stars" here is Silver Stars version of "Wonderful Land".

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  • To Me Silver was The Best Recording Steelband in the Sixties. Those Heavy Background Pans really added a Strong Voice to their Music. Not Much is Mentioned about the Great Junior Pouchet but He was one of Our Icons who should get more Respect. Thanks Glen for reminding us about the Great Silver Stars and their Master Arranger Junior Pouchet.

  • Thanks Glenroy, brings back a lot of memories, I was a youth back in the day playing with Coco Cola Silver Stars!!

  • Silver Stars.Woodbrook\Newtown full circle.Thanks Glenroy.

  • Thanks Glenroy. Brilliant!

    Other Silver Stars  (Junior Pouchet) classics I look forward to hearing (if available) are - Moonlight Love (Claire DeLune), You Made Me Love You (Nat King Cole), My Brother Your Sister (Kitch), Going Home Tonight (Sparrow), The People will Talk (KIng Fighter), Maria (Blakie)., Spend Your Money Wise (Nat Hepburn), One Fine Day.

    Cassi from South.

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