Solo Harmonites- Beethoven's "Symphony No.4 in B Flat Mov.1" (1968)

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From the 1968 championship album "The Wrecker" Beethoven's Symphony No.4 in B flat mov.1.From the days when every self respecting steelband had classical "bomb" tunes in their musical repertoire, ready to be dropped on J'ouvert morning

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  • Those were the days when man use to say,I hear Solo this morning,they was wicked,You got to be kidding me,You a hear Despers? on Charlotte St they was the best,Na na I hear Silverstar & Starlift on Green Corner and the West have it.Those were the days.

    Not like now,You playing Mary had a little lamp,and telling me that your bomb tune.(Give me a break.)

  • It would be great to hear The Wrecker also.
  • Those were the days,They don't make them so anymore.That was when J'ouvert morning was bomb and more bomb. 
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