Solo Harmonites - Sparrow's"Pussy Laughing at Me" (1971)

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There were many great pan albums produced in the nineteen sixties and seventies, and Solo Harmonites produced their share.Among them the 1971 Championship album "Carnival Time" may have been the best Solo album, and is one of my favorites.Apart from the winning tune, Lord Kitchener's "Play Mas", this album was loaded with big time arrangements from Earl Rodney in his prime.One such tune is the Mighty Sparrow's "Pussy laughing at Me".Enjoy a great Earl Rodney arrangement from what I call the Golden Era of the steelband.

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  • This fine Earl Rodney arrangement of Sparrow's "Pussy Laughing at me" reminds us of the sweetness and power of Solo Harmonites in the late sixties and seventies.

    This is the real Harmonites sound of that era , with the powerful "walking" style bass arrangement , which differed from the swinging , rolling style of bass arrangements preferred by the south bands back then , and the sweet tenors , tuned by the late Alan Gervais.

  • This is the kind of calypso that I miss hearing from steelbands. A well arranged ,danceable, party calypso that would sound great on stage and on the road, without the bells, whistles and flourishes that is your typical panorama tune. (Not that they don't have their place)

  • Sweet fuh so! those were de days!!!
  • This is the true Solo Harmonites sound from the era when they were one of the most dominant bands in Trinidad
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