Sparrow's Jean and Dinah (Yankees Gone) by Steelband on the road, Carnival 1956

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Emory Cook , an American recording engineer and audiophile was obsessed with faithful sound reproduction, and is responsible for some of the best recordings of early calypso and steelband.Here he captures the sound of a steelband live on the road at Trinidad Carnival 1956. Sparrow had won his first calypso crown on Dimanche Gras the night before with "Jean and Dinah"(Yankees Gone), and overnight the bands learnt the tune for J'ouvert morning.Close your eyes, open your ears and go back in time to J'ouvert Morning 1956."Mama, look de band passing"That's how the road march was created that year.

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  • Does anyone know what steelband was playing?

    I really can take myself back.

  • Ian Franklin you know good music. I was going to ask Glenroy for that piece, Back Bay Shuffle.
  • thanks for the good music in the day could you imaine that they learnt that tune oer  nignt the iron section is great wish we could get the rest of that album it will be nice it bring back alot of good meromies
  • I think I know Ian, is he Clement's brother ? Clement is the tuner/builder for Despers USA the band I play with)
  • @paddy corea

    If you have  that rare stuff please share it with us.

    Pan people , including Ian Franklin and myself, would love to hear them!

  • Thanks for posting this piece of classic historical culture, Glenroy.



  • I have the original recording. 1 side is all live pan with Invaders, Pan Am North Stars, Cassablanca, Crossfire and 2 other bands I cant recognize, There is Back Bay shuffle, and a Spoiler tune as well.
  • Good one Glenroy. Do you have Back Bay Shuffle.


  • Listen to the IronMan at " Doh make ah row", Pang Pang Pang on de Iron. Dat 123 beat is what Pan Music grew up on. Also check the upbeat Tempo for in those days it was more laid back, but it was how Sparrow sang this tune. Thanks GRJ, Nice One. Any idea which Band it was?. On this subject there is a recording of " Back Bay Shuffle" on the road and I believe it may have been Invaders. Hope someone would post this. Thanks.
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