TASPO | Sterling Betancourt | The 1951 Festival of Britain

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Sterling Betancourt MBE talks about his experience of performing at the 1951 Festival of Britain with Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra.

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  • Nice pan history
  •  A 7" 4-track recording exists: Trinidad All Steel Percussion Band (1951) JEP 3011.

    Tracks are:

    Go Way Gal

    Coolie Man's House



    I am still trying to acquire this item.


  • Looking good Sterling!!

  • Great history of pan.

  • Great historical-reportage. So many Thanks,also!!!!

  • I loved watching this.  Thanks!

  • WOW ! 

    Thanks !

  • Can someone educate me as to who from the players of T.A.S.P.O. were not or never became a pan tuner.

    The three remaining members, Mr. Sterling Betancourt, Mr. Anthony Williams and Mr. Ellie Mannette                 are all known pan tuners. I knew that Mr. Winston "Spree" Simon and Mr. THeo Stephens were tuners.     

    Were the following members also tuners?

    Mr. Belgrave Bonaparte, Mr. Philmore "Boots" Davidson, Mr. De Andrew "Pan" Labastide,                             Mr. Orman "Patsy" Haynes and Mr. DudleySmith. Please respond to my E. Mail (laventl@aol.com) Thanks

  • Whilst these performances by TASPO  in 1951 at the Festival of Britian was magnificent and Ground Breaking , I would like to draw your attention by an article written by John Schmidt on the site " Welcome to e Caroh Caribbean Emporium " in which he states that he acquired recordings of the Casablanca SteelBand done in Trinidad in1947 and that some of these players performed at the West Indian Day Parade in NY USA in 1947 . It's a very interesting article so check it out for it indicates that recordings of Steel Bands were done from the early 1940's . Thanks .
  • GRJ . Please post the music of TASPO as many of us are anxious to hear them play . TASPO's performance in Britain was a Major Highlight in the development of Pan and Pan Music . Thanks
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