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Listening to this Rudy Smith original from the 1989 DELOS album "Jazz n' Steel from Trinidad And Tobago", the thought occurred to me that this is why I do not like to use superlatives like "the greatest this" and the "best that" when it comes to artistic talent , though there are clear exceptions.There are quite a few really great jazz panists around, but as to who is the best?Who is the greatest?Who knows ?I certainly will not presume to judge.But one thing I do know.By any measure, Rudy "Two Lef" Smith is one extraordinarily talented panist and jazz musician.Check this one out if you don't believe me.
We won't get to rating jazz panists. But we must agree that Rudy Smith is the most comfortable in the jazz idiom.
I totally agree with everything that was said, and I hope we can find a way to educate and change the thinking of our pan family about 'best' and 'greatest'. We already have enough of that in panorama which I know is the 'necessary evil' we have to deal with. Believe me it's very necessary!
Very nice!
I think we have to move away and "grow-up" from the concept of trying to prove who is the greatest, or the best.
Instead we have to look at our great pan musicians like Rudy Smith, Othello Mollineau, Robert Greenidge, Boogsie Sharp ( to name just four of them) in the same manner as how we would look at Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Theolonius Monk, Miles Davis ( to name just four of them). as simply the best of their era and celebrate and enjoy their refined styles. (too much competition) ...leave that for panorama
I agree, Glenroy. Your assessment of Rudy's talent may be affirmed by listening to any of his other LPs or CDs