The Laborie Steel Band Program

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ANDY – Hi I’m Andy Narell. I’m here in Laborie, Saint Lucia, a beautiful Caribbean village that I now call home. We’re here today to ask for your support of ...

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  • Well done Andy!!  You make the difference bro!  Don't stop, no matter what!  Respect from New Jersey!

  • Hi Andy.  I was just wondering if you have a Facebook page?

    Great way to get your information out to the public.  I am with the Saskatoon Caribbean Steel Band and many of our members are from St. Lucia.  I think it would be great to get involved with this project.  Cheers!

  • Published on Apr 19, 2015

    ANDY – Hi I’m Andy Narell. I’m here in Laborie, Saint Lucia, a beautiful Caribbean village that I now call home. We’re here today to ask for your support of the Laborie steel band program. I’ve been teaching the kids here part time for the past 5 years on a volunteer basis, and have watched them grow, musically and literally. We now have a second group of kids who are as young as 6 years old, and they’re a super talented and motivated group.

    The Laborie steel band program is almost 10 years old now, but many of the pans are much older than that. They were old when they were first donated to the program. The entire guitar and bass sections need to be replaced.. Starting with a private donation, we’ve launched the project. With the help of our sponsors Labowi Promotions, Wilrock, Gill’s Pan Shop in Trinidad, Anita Bonan, and our tuner Glenn Rowsey, we’re replacing 2 sets of 6-bass, 2 tenor bass, 2 triple guitars, 2 double guitars, and adding one more pair of double seconds.

    We also need new percussion instruments, cases, stands, sticks. We want to continue to develop the Laborie steel band program and start offering educational programs that will bring pan players from all over the world to Laborie to study steel band music and experience this beautiful place and its people.

    We’ve spent over 5,000 US$ so far, and need another $7,500 to reach our goals. All donations will go to our non-profit sponsor Labowi Promotions, the same organization that has been presenting the beautiful festival Jazz in the South for the past 19 years.

    Thanks for taking the time to watch this video. We appreciate ANY size donation and we hope to see you soon in Laborie…..

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