The Merrymakers - The Leeward Islands Steel Band (1960)

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The Merrymakers -The Leeward Islands Steelband- was formed in 1958 and was led by Zachariah Herbert.It was comprised of members from Antigua, Dominica and Monserrat.This delightful period 45 RPM album "The Merrymakers Steel the Show" was recorded in 1960 in England, and includes :The traditional "Yellow Bird", "Kalu",Lord Kitchener's "Trouble in Arima" and a jazzy(be-bop) arrangement of "I lost my Baby"..

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  • Terry, very much like South Trinidad, the contributions of Antigua to the early development of the steelpan should not be denied or ignored.

  • Hell's Gate & Brute Force Steel Bands of Antigua were rival steelbands formed in the mid-1940s by Antiguans who returned home from working in Trinidad. Some early Emory Cook recordings featured steelbands from both Trinidad (Southern All Stars,  The Merrymakers Steel Orchestra, Highlanders) and Antigua on the same LP.


  • Thanks GRJ , you have lifted my mood once again . Totally Enjoyable . I knew since small that Antigua was Big in Pan and I believe that they were recording since the very early years . As you said Pan was Sweet from Birth . Thanks .

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