The Mighty Sparrow "Document the Pan"(1989)

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Ever one with his finger on the pulse of the culture, Calypso King of the World The Mighty Sparrow exhorts historians and cultural reporters to Document the History of our rich culture.From Sparrow's 1989 LP "All in the Game", "Document Pan"

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  • @BrendaHosang:  Posting 4 verses and 3 choruses for The Mighty Sparrow's Document Pan may exceed the word limit for this forum..... But pages 12-13 of this pdf link (from Felix Blake's book, The Trinidad & Tobago Steel Pan; History & Evolution) should suffice:

  • Yesterday was The Mighty Sparrow's 78th Birthday and it was such a thrill hearing him live, via a local radio station, respond to many questions on his life's work...interspersed with his 'a cappella' excerpts from several of his calypsos. Again, Glenroy, how timely !!

  • this music brings back great memories of the performances of 'The Mighty Sparrow'  when he was in Windsor & Detroit years ago.  An amazing performer.  Thank you Slinger Francisco for your contributions to the world of music.  Uniting the world through music!!!

  • "If the steelband must grow the children must know

    the trials and tribulations of long ago"......ALL OF IT must surely be documented.

    Glenroy, thanks for this insightful Sparrow tune. How timely !!



  • Done the way only the "Birdie" can do it

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