The Mighty Sparrow, Manje Patois

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The Mighty Sparrow, Manje Patois- courtesy of Andy Kershaw, BBC Radio 1, 1990 Apologies for the quality - sourced from radio, to cassette, to MP3 !

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  • @Winston Dayal: This tune was originally released in1989 on Sparrow's LP All in the game as: Manjhay (Mange), Charlie's Records SCR 3868.

    In 2002 it was released as Manje on the CD Man In De Bedroom (Millenium series 1034). The band (lovely music) does sound like Sparrow's Troubadours.

    Thanks for posting.

  • Nice !

  • For all the Birdie fans out there . I don't know which band is doing the music but I will take a guess and say its either The Troubadors or Ron Berridge . ( Hey Glenroy if you know please post Thanks )
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