THE TRADEWINDS - Old Time Calypso

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There is no doubt in the pride of being a West Indian in such Tradewinds classics as "Caribbean Man", "Boyhood Days", "Where Are Your Heroes" and "We Are The...

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  • Memories sweet when I listen, of Charlie Roach in the 1960s, Toronto

  • I knew Clive Rosteing the drummer personally.  His parents and my parents were close friends.  Can anyone shed some light on his whereabouts.  Is he still alive?  I was in Toronto this year for the carnival and just missed his brother Michael by a few minutes at the panyard lime.


  • I remember flying form NY to Toronto  for the weekend in the late sixties and seeing the TRADEWINDS perform at  he Bermuda Room on Younge street.  I  really enjoy them( happy times).. Charles Assevero, Plano,Texas( note Glen Serzano from Belmont ? was a guitar player with them (, he has passed many years ago.)

  • Yes Gons;

    I went to Ryerson Poly, a block away, back in the 70's and frequented We Place.

    Looking back now we didn't fully appreciate how well we had it then - life was so much simpler and Toronto was much more livable then.

  • This collection of witty kaisos,by the Tradewinds ,with their unique musical genre, bringsback pleasant memories for me.

  • The Tradewinds. I remember this great sounding band. A truly talented group of guys who really loved and made  good calypso music. Thanks, Winston Deyal for posting. This brought back so many memories of an era when Trinidad was a wondrous place. The times sure have changed and so has the music. The olden days were better.

  • I remember we used to hang out at We Place (Mercury) in the 70's dancing to this great band. At that time my cousin Terry Dayal was on guitar , Dave Martins , vocals and guitar , Clive Rosteing on drums and Joe. Brown on bass. Those were the days when you could go to a club and be safe not like today
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