"Tribute to Spree" by Hatters Steel Orchestra (Panorama Champions 1975)

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Hatters won Panorama 1975 with this Steve Achaiba arrangement of Lord Kitchener's "Tribute to Spree Simon". Hatters is one of only two "South" bands to win a Panorama.

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  • I love this performance in every respect. Clean, well balanced recording.

    Hey, the South shall rise & shine again.

  • Yes Eustace,

                            That 1975 Panorama was a whitewash by the Southern Steel Orchestras Hatters-1, Fonclaire-2

    Antillean All Stars-4. That year All Stars, Desperadoes, Starlift and Renegades did not make the Panorama Finals. However, those four Steel Orchestras have gone on to win 24 times out of 36, from 1976 to 2012. 1975 was also the last year for prelims and finals only. In 1976, the Zonal System began. 

  • That's one of my bands it was fun playing with Achaiba, too bad we couldn't stay together as one band. Sando has not spoken in 37 years, that was a panorama finals only 1 band did not play spree and if Tokyo did not place 3rd it would have been 1,2,3 for sando
  • Also a classic. most energetic and enjoyable.

  • Hatters were boss that year!  Thanks for the post.

  • About then too...Very Fresh-recording job with Very Brilliant Orchestra! I really enjoy.How about nowadays?
  • Very nice!!! Does anyone have any Invaders recordings with Emanuel "Corbeaux Jack" Riley solos? (1960s...i think?)
  • This was not just a Fete but a winning "Spree". The Broadway Boys were just unstoppable from Prelims to Finals. They played their Tribute to" Spree Simon" and the Judges / Patrons paid Tribute to them with a Grand Victory. Thanks to Stevie and the Hatters; you made us Proud.
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