Trinidad Stick Fighting -the drums, the dance, the rhythm

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Stick Fight session in the streets of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. The stick fighters in this video are from the Talparo Gayelle.This is the real thing folks, how I remember it from childhood with the costumes and especially the drums.You want to know where that Trini calypso beat came from, well this is it.You hear those drums and you want to grab a stick and jump into the ringI've seen people do it.Not a good idea.You'll quickly get a "bus head"

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  • Check out this one ,Brenda. It is one of the best examples I've seen.

    Note the traditional costume with the mirror on the chest.

  • Thanks fuh Sharin'.Dey have to 'Karay' better than that,Smile.In Tacarigua,we had Manman,One-foot Eddie, Herbert McConnie and others...who didn't make joke.It is Great to Share Various aspects 'ah we Culture',from which Pan evolved.*Many things associated witn Pan,came from "ORIS(h)A" Tradition!!!*"Strumming",emulated drumming patterns...*& "Double-Iron" rhythm came from the repetitious "OMELE" Drum pattern..{For example}! *'STICKS" appropriate for each Drum...also relates to STEEL-'DRUM' Evolution!ASE-O!!!

  • dont forget the CHANT.  That was the FIRE in the mix

  • This is an even better example of the stick fighting rhythm, since it includes the traditional stick fighting costumes and dance.

    The dance and costumes are also meant to distract the opponent, making it easier for him to be hit.

    And BTW, for those who wonder why I post these non steelband videos, it is because they represent the culture from which the steelband arose.

    In the early days some of the same people were involved in all of these activities. 

  • My favorite stick fighting video.

    I've known of amateurs getting intoxicated by the drums (and the rum)  and jumping into the ring, only to get a quick "buss' head"!.

  • How is this connected to pan, you ask?

    Well, check out the rhythm!
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