Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band "Variations on a Theme of Paganini "(Johannes Brahms)

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From the Album"Super Group Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band" , here is Trinidad Tripoli Steel orchestra and "Variations on a Theme of Paganini", composed by Johannes Brahms.

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  • Listening to this and other music from that era , I'm amazed at the progress made by the steelbands in the first twenty years or so of its existence.

    Yes, we've made some technological progress since then, but in spite of the adversity (and the violence) in that era, the decade of the sixties and into the early seventies was indeed the Golden age of Pan.
  • Hello Glenroy

    Thanks for bringing back some great memories.The year after the festival I joined Tripoli while in the police steel band. I played Tenor pan with them and we played the above piece "Paganini" as their Bomb Tune.

    Terry Noel JP

    Leader BT Melodians Steel Orchestra

  • Hello Glenroy

    Tripoli also played this piece as their Bomb Tune for the carnival the following year. I played tenor with them. Listening to this rendition brought back some good memories.

    Terry Noel JP

    Leader BT Melodians Steel Orchestra


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