TT ICP 2015 - 17th. Arima Golden Symphony - Arima, TT. Ah Feeling (2015) (Arr T 'BJ' Marcelle)

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TT ICP 2015. The International World Steelband Panorama, staged on Sunday, 9th August 2015, at The Grandstand, Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad, TT; West Indies.

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  • Sounded good
  • If you know about Panorama Competitions or feel you know, please compare the General Performances and Arrangements of Arima Golden Symphony Steel Orchestra(placed 17th at the IWSP 2015) and that of Panorama Steel Orchestra from Japan(placed 9th at the IWSP 2015)...Noteworthy that the steelbands are not responsible for their pacings. General Performance and Arrangement are judging criteria that carry 40 points each....You be the judge...I should like to read your comments.

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