TT Steelband Panorama 2014 - Semifinal - Large. Tropical Angel Harps - In De Minor (Arr by C Morris)

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Large Conventional Steelbands Panorama Semi-Finals 2014, play on 16th February, at The Grandstand, Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad, TT; West Indies.

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  • Eyepan, that band from Chaguanas always play good music, I know the arranger Clarence, very good

  • No one is talking about this piece of music.... it's fantastic! Andy,Andy...Birdsong,Birdsong there are other bands and arrangers not so quietly producing damn good music together... here is one... if mouthers would dare listen. Let me be the first to ask why isn't this band higher up in the standings?

    P.S loved the top of the intro ...that's what I call story telling.

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