West Indies Calling (1944)

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alternative link to view film https://www.panonthenet.com/history/movies/west-indies-calling.htm In this film, made during the Second World War by the Ministry of Information, a group of West Indians, led by Una Marson and Learie Constantine, assemble at Broadcasting House in London. They describe to listeners of a popular BBC radio series, 'Calling the West Indies', how people from the Caribbean are supporting the war effort. Constantine speaks about factory workers, and introduces some war-workers, including Ulric Cross, a bomber navigator from Trinidad. Cross tells of his work in the RAF and Carlton Fairweather introduces a film about lumbermen from British Honduras. The film ends with a dance in the BBC studio. (Stephen Bourne) alternative link to view film https://www.panonthenet.com/history/movies/west-indies-calling.htm

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  • Cannot view in my area. Will try embedded code.

  • this is great

     i hope this is stored and treasured and should be highlighted in schools if not already done

  • I have seen this before but its always great to take another look. Here are couple if things that may be interesting.Sel Duncan's drummer Terry Reyes was also  in the RAF. Before returning  home he learned drumming. His techniques was way above the norm.Al Jennings whose orchestra supplied the music came to Trinidad after the war and took on some of Trinidad's best musicians to form Al Jennings All Stars which eventually ended up in London. Musicians like Fitzroy Coleman and Rupert Nurse who became Melodisc's Talent scout, were in the bunch.

    Edward Teddy Pinheiro

  • Thanks - a great find. I'll be sharing it via twitter.

  • Very great doc. I must say history at its best.

  • These are our HEROES of WAR; they served well. Thanks.

  • Keep up the great work. Many of us had to go by the neighbour who was rich enough to own a Short Wave Radio in those days. Many of these radios were battery operated. Not me; my dad said if you can't afford it that's it. I had to wait until I went to live with my sister (while attending college in Port of Spain) who had one with a long antenna strung out in the yard. Lasting memory - Joe Louis vs Billy Conn.

  • this was pleasing piece of history,so proud of our cotribution to the war effort.wish we all had grown like how london did,and the races had florished together'we all know how that went'

  • Great! Thank you for a history lesson. Please bring on some more.
  • Great snippet of our past...we don't have enough of these.  Bring more on.
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