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As the brouhaha over corruption in Pan Trinbago begins to fade from the front pages of the media, I am going on record to state that Keith Diaz will survive the accusations.

For years I have told this forum that Keith Diaz is one of the greatest politicians I have ever seen. So even though he now seems be on the ropes for spending/stealing/misappropriating/owing $34.5 million -- I am going to predict that Keith Diaz will

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Views: 209



2866514546?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024On November 5th 2016, XL4PAN was truly blessed to launch our group and Belmont Street Festival at our offices # 24 Erthig Road, Belmont.
We were truly blessed to have perfect weather conditions.
We were truly blessed to have the permission of the Po

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3 Replies
Views: 395
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