The whole ah PAN TRINBAGO stop working and only reading RUSSELL POSTINGS. And they fraid dat man like LUCIFER.
Imagine, EARL, after all the years I spend on THIS FORUM trying to make PAN TRINBAGO a better organizarion -- RUSSELL PROVIDENCE come and EAT MY SUPPER.
Earl, is ah good thing ah have ah PARDNAH like you to cheer up my spirits with some GOOD CALYPSO otherwise ah woulda have to go and JUMP OFF THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE.
Ah tell yuh, EARL!!! EXPATS (immigrants) doh get NO RESPECT down in THE MECCA!!!
And the worst part of the whole thing (Earl) is that MARCUS ASH (ah man who I support NIGHT AND DAY on THIS FORUM) take MY TITLE and bestow it upon RUSSELL PROVIDENCE.
Find ah next CALYPSO to cheer up my SPIRITS .... PLEASE!!!
Claude! Certain posters reminds me of certain posters like the Ghost Who Talks and Juanitto Jordano Jorda'ninho who were not afraid to call a spade a spade and refer to a poster as a Jackass, Unlike you, You treat posters with respect if u think they are wrong,bias,or on corruption and not seeki ng the welfare of PAN MEN/WOMEN in the MECCA.
Well Claude,
I hope this one works for you. I'm sure the way you put YOUR lyrics to spin songs you can "Call Dem (we) Out" as you (and others) ALWAYS do on this prestigious site.
Anyway.....as you were....
Good night!