The musical face-off featuring four (4) celebrated steel orchestras, WITCO Desperadoes, CAL Invaders Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars and Tokyo, saw the bands vying for the coveted title “Repertoire Champion” ..
The highly entertaining program was held at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, on July 2, 2011
I enjoyed this show which was held on a rainy Saturday night in late June 2011. The title of the show was
"THE 4 PILLARS OF STEEL" meaning the four oldest Steel Orchestras. I did mention to the promoter that the name Renegades is as old as All Stars or Desperadoes, so the next show should be entitled The 5 Pillars of Steel. (lol)
Each Steel Orchestra was required to perform a past Panorama rendition, a Pop piece, a Latin piece, a Reggae piece and a Classical piece as part of its repertoire. All Stars won Best Panorama and Reggae; Desperadoes won best Pop, Latin, Classic, best repertoire and was the overall winner. This was Desperadoes' 24th pan victory out of 62 various competitions from 1965 througn 2011.
For the record, Invaders is the oldest name in pan followed by Tokyo.
The names All Stars, Desperadoes and Renegades all emerged after WWII.