I cannot believe that!!! Maybe i misunderstood your POSTING.
But ah sure they were in shock with that SATURDAY NIGHT DROP right before the AGM start. Ah hear they had to call ah emergency meeting early in the morning (Sunday) to come up with a FACE SAVING excuse for not releasing the report THEMSELVES.
Gregory, pardnah, I cannot wait to hear your UPCOMING INTERVIEW with WHEN STEEL TALKS. And that AUDIT report eh even TOUCH the FOUR MILLION PLUS that they spend in CAR RENTALS and the MILLION DOLLARS in TICKETS that KEITH STOLE in his last PANORAMA in office and ALL THE KICKBACKS that went to DIAZ and FORTEAU. .
But I still cannot believe that THIS EXECUTIVE is saying that THEY DID NOT KNOW how bad the debt was when I wrote NON-STOP about the MOUNTING DEBT for years on THIS FORUM. And doh matter what CECIL HINKSON SAY -- I know that dey does read everything we write on THIS FORUM. Plus if I living way outside in ERO LAND and I was FULLY INFORMED when the debt hit FIVE MILLION -- how could people who spent their whole life preparing to RUN PAN TRINBAGO, NOT KNOW.
As I said at the time, THE ICP was a SCAM to recover about TEN MILLION in stolen FUNDS. They thought that the INDIAN GOVERNMENT was ah easy MARK and they could CON THEM (the race card, yuh know ... if yuh doh give we the money is because yuh discriminating against BLACK PEOPLE) into giving 10 MILLION EXTRA for the event to CATCH UP.
But then KAMLA and DEM come up short on the ALLOCATION and from then THE BRICKS in the DEN OF THIEVES start to crumble. So by the time 2016 came around the debt started accelerating and EVERYBODY knew that. The numbers they were showing the PAN MEN at the AGM were RIGGED NUMBERS. If I am getting all those updates MILES AWAY -- how come BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE did not know that.
And on top of that they ran such an AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN and made all those promises knowing fully well what DIAZ and FORTEAU were doing. So to come now and say that the DEBT they met was UNIMAGINABLE is GROSS MISREPRESENTATION to PAN PLAYERS and THE WORLD.
Gregory: Yuh think is LIE I TELLING. Read this WST LINK from 3 years ago when SERRETTE himself said that it was OVER 20 MILLION, then!!! And you were even involved in THAT EXCHANGE. So nobody could say that it was UNIMAGINABLE and how DEY SURPRISED -- with an HONEST FACE.
Reply by Claude Gonzales on Delete
Well -- I was correct when it was FIVE MILLION; but as Byron Serrette said: "Things seemed to escalate in the last two years. All told: we are well over $20,000,000 and bankrupt."
Over NINE MILLION ($9,000,000) is still owed to Local Bands for the ICP event.
Yuh doh want to see that report -- it will break your heart!!!
The only problem I am having here Claude Gonzales is, by the time Bryon Serrette The Events Manager, yes Diaz's Vice President designated The Events Manager SNITCHED, he too had already pocketed over $1.6M TTD for SKINNING HIS COCK at about $33,333.00 monthly for 48 months.
So Bryon Serrete eh saying shit, because he was as big a thief as Forteau and/or Diaz, or a bigger thief, because he sought to sanitize himself, while challenge Diaz, and if he was successful, he would have been "teefing" more than Diaz and Forteau today. What events were this deputy comptroller of customs managing on behalf of the steelband fraternity for in excess of $30 000 TTD per month for the 48 months accounted for?
I am glad that this audit is finally here so that we could make out SERRETTE especially SERRETTE, and AQUIL too, because it is obvious that if they were in receipt of larger pieces of the pie they would never have SNITCHED.
Count on it.....
Imagine this thing nuh....you have sources that were in the meeting that would confirm exactly what the goodly lady said...I have no reason to lie....my conscience is clear. Weather for leather.....go and get de strap......and watch and see who ass going and buss like a ripe Sangre Grande PEEWah