They have no credibility, no honor, no shame.

Six months later, while plans are being made for Carnival 2016 Trinidad and Tobago has not paid the young people who participated in panorama 2015.

It is time for a strike by the players and a boycott of Carnival by the public.

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  • Hm!!!! PAN: Pulsating AMAZING  and Noble.

    And the beat (to all different tunes) goes on.

  • Why have we let this go so far that now we are considering action that they made be prepared for and may be encouraging to happen. There are two things here we must look at. 

    1. If we do boycott and strike, we must be able to keep that mobilization going to consolidate the strength and importance of steel band in Trinidad culture.

    2. We must be able to mitigate the adverse situation of the origin of the steel band culture in the face of the government that is present today, who seems not to have any interest in the maintenance of an African-developed aspect of our culture, which we as pannists, have to defend. 

    Thus, if we are going to take any action, we must have these things in mind, that it is not a one-day boycott, but a complete radicalization through mobilization of the pan fraternity/sorority. 

    I know this will take guts and we as pan people have it, only we seem to be afraid to demonstrate it. Nuff said. Jah Live!

    Ras Rico I SELASSIE I

    • Rico, you cannot blame government for something WE pan people created a very long time ago. This monster was long in the making! Pan people's destiny are in their own hands. We are just not interested!

    • Strength comes in numbers, the reality on the ground is a different picture.

      Check out this clip starting @ can you change the attitude among the membership?

  • So what's new gentlemen? Hold on! are there plans by the governing body, to host a world panorama some time in August? not sure just asking. can anyone confirm this.

  • If Pantrinbago is the Representative of Pan People in Sweet T&T. How Come they are so Silent about the Payments for they Players @ Panorama? This Reeks Disrespect and Corruption. Panorama Brings in Millions of Dollars to The Country at Carnival Time. ''This Shit Must Stop'' Diaz and His Cronies Must Go!

  • "Trinidad and Tobago has not paid the young people who participated in panorama 2015". Please explain "Trinidad and Tobago" in that context.

     I agree with the boycott though.

    • The youngsters are not  Trini, Patrick.

  • Anyone if a contract is involved?
  • This is the right thing to do.............but.

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