NY Panorama Insult
What came out of the loud speakers at the 2011 panorama was an insult to the pan community and to any rational music listening person. The sound of sweet pan and great musical arrangements were turned into a "heavy metal" assault with distortion and noise as the order of the evening. Indeed, one had to be on acid or some other drug to digest what the sound engineers were feeding the audience.
With many of the legendary tuners of the art form's works on display, and the enormous investment in time and dedication by the players, it is time for NY Pan management to address the issue. You deserve better.
Trinidad I hope yuh watchin, if you don't put ah stop to de big truck sh!t den this is what will happen.
Mas Carnival Steelband all will die.
Well, I haven't been back to Panorama for a couple of years now and I don't know when or if I'll be back.
I find it hard to pay $45 for the same nonsense every year, problems with the sound system that utterly destroys a work of art that takes months to prepare. I'm not complaining about the live stream over the internet, simply because it's free and also some computers have inferior speakers and sound cards, but ...to have poor quality sound at a music event like Panorama is inexcusable.
Every year we have the same complaints and nothing is done...who will step forward to address this issue? Is there some close friend or family member of WIADCA who has some interest in the sound company, that they keep awarding them the contract despite our complaints? Why do they continue to refuse giving Basement Recordings full control of sound production for the show?
Things wouldn't be so bad, if the quality of sound improved every year, but it's not improving...and all the hard work of learning and performing an intricate arrangement is wasted because the audience is not presented with the true quality of sound. The audience is paying for the "sound" of a Steel Orchestra and since we are not getting that, what are we paying for? It's like paying for steak and getting corned beef in a can.
Please let me say if you had an insult on the airwaves on the ground there was even more insilts coming out of the mike on the stream. The radio announcer was speaking to some one and he captured that person saying "I hate that song now "Trini" and after all this is New York not Trinidad" and the person went on to ask why they were playing it all the time.. Insults and disrespect were all there last night. Interesting that this person had no idea at all about the event and what it was all about.
It was the first time that i heard Ny Panorama I would give the entire thing a thumbs down if I did not love PAN
Well I thought it was down to a poor internet link, then about 1 hour into the show I thought maybe the crew from those early Advance Dynamics recording teams may have been let loose on or infaltrated WIADCA's production. No seriously it was awful. I'm so glad I did not stay up to watch and listen. I decided it was not worth sleep deprevation.
The answer my brothers and sisters is in our own hands. We must demand better. We must demand respect. However that can only come when we become professional in our attitudes. For instance why did the show start half an hour late? Was it because of a lack of organisation?
Every year there is always something to go wrong.
For the time being I think I'll keep the rest of my criticisms to myself.
Let's hope for better in the future.
this is a problem that goes without fail every year. it's sad, but you expect it to happen..there's has got to be a way to speak the commitee that hires the sounds crew because i believe not enough planning goes into it at all.
Er hmm.
There is not a "committee" issue at work here. it is well known in the ny pan community, that the organizers of the event, wiadca, utterly DESPISE pan, pan people, and all they stand for. They speak to pan people, and about pan people, with open contempt. They put up with the pan because it is one of their best 'so-called' sponsored events, and it their cash-cow.
The sound of the system and how it treats pan is of no interest to wiadca, and ironically illustrates just about how they feel about PAN - 'garbage.' This has gone on for year after year after year for decades, some years are much worse than others. And this year was one of those.
Still, the NY pan people return to wiadca every year. And they are disrespected in every manner, from the sound system, to the judges, to when they have to get passes to let the players to enter the museum to play, bands run into a lot of crap. wiadca laughs all the way to the bank.
And at the end of every panorama the president Yolanda Lezama-Clarke gets up and pats herself on the back after every show just before the results are announced like she did last night. She just continues the awful and corrupt behavior of her father Carlos Lezama when he was president of wiadca, and her sidekick vice president Ken Faustin, and the rest of them who are that entire 'committee' that you speak off just roll over and prepare for the next year of abuse, knowing NY pan people will be back.
Yes, yes and yes indeed.