Although we knew we were walking into Pan Trinbago lion's Den we were not afraid. We started a race, we fought a good fight and now we have finished part one of the struggle.
We shall never surrender to bullying, disrespect to women, insults, unprofessionalism, scare tactics, lies, half-truths and innuendoes.
We did not win but pan did not win also. Pan lost the opportunity to turn the corner and head upwards to futuristic leadership and prosperity.
To my sister Denise L. J. Hernandez, stay strong and never let a BULLY bring you down. Today it grieves and pains me to know that women sitting in that room did not stand in your defence after such insults were hurled at you and you were chased from that microphone and denied from making your contribution. Maybe we should not blame them because people are usually afraid of bullies and bad johns.
To all those delegates who voted for us individually and collectively, we are extremely thankful, and to all our other supporters and well wishers, where ever you are in God's world, we are exceedingly grateful for the confidence reposed in us.
Let us continue to pray for the Steel Pan constituency, that one day God will help us to acknowledge and appreciate the gift of the steel pan that He has truly blessed us with and that one day, FINALLY, we will recognize the real benefits that can be derived from that knowledge and the old rusty Oil Drum.
Beverley Ramsey-Moore.
You need to be a member of When Steel Talks to add comments!
I can't believe what I am reading....with the exception of ms. Ramsey Moore and Scobie, I am afraid that you guys are speculating and "playing Smart with foolishness" I feel insulted that you guys have discriminated against the member bands of the organisation, by stating that only the "Small bands" have voted to reinstate Mr. Diaz. Terms like bully have been used by Ms. Moore. Accusations of theft and degradation have been used by some commentators. The bullying part I did not see at the meeting, I was there, the Chair of the meeting used the standing orders to control the meeting like any other chairman would have. There was order and business was taken care of. The turnout was exceptional, it's like for the very first time in the history of the steelband that every band attended. That says something about the growth of the organisation.
If one wants change then you have to work, apparently the NV did not work hard enough. The steelbands in your parts of the woods need some help to over come some of their problems. If you guys really want to help, make suggestions to help the growth of the instrument. One and I must stress ONE pan woman made some great suggestions in the meeting, she was skillful enough to use the standing orders to do so. The NV lacked that type of vision at the meeting and was stating that they were hurt by the response of the organisation, instead of using the opportunity to show how different they could be. Steel pan have been always at the lowest level of people's priorities....people who are able and have never been involved in the arts and music at the root level, makes it difficult for them to commit any type of resources be it time or money to lift it to a different level. Until such time the truth must be, that self sufficiency will be difficult to attain and a help UP is need from commentators like you all. A special call went out to all members and steel pan lovers to support each other's program, just like the other humans in their diaspora do, stop cutting off your brothers legs and asking him to run. Stop it!!
It seems that the ppl making the allegations/accusations were not in the room and are just repeating sound bites. I hold no brief for Keith Diaz and his group, but allyuh ask for elections and you got it. Deal wid it.
Sometimes one gets tired of the "B.S."
Patrick: So you think that we are SPECULATING about the CORRUPTON and MISALLOCATION OF FUNDS and BAKR taking over the organizaton? Every time PAN TRINBAGO feels the need to send a soldier (or two) to this forum to defend their crimes I feel like we are close to hitting the bullseye. I just love the suggestion that we shut up and wait in silence until NEXT ELECTION. Me and Bede Lopez already know who win the NEXT ELECTION.
Carlyle Houlder, I don't see how the steelband in the Mecca has benefited from 6 years of rule under the present administration, what have they done to help steelbands to move toward self sufficiency, I see somewhere you ask if we know the price of a tenor, how long do you think steelbands will survive it they don't find a way to make some money for themselves? It don't look like you guys are looking for a way to use the steelband effectively, if you were you would have realize that the steelband HAS to play a part in the money making machine which is carnival. Panorama, Pan in the Countryside, Pan on the Avenue and all these other pan events doh cut it no more steelbands want a bigger piece of the pie and they deserve it. You guys should be fighting for one of carnival days for the steelband ALONE, bring them back on the road or are you scared to go up against the other gang who control carnival?
As I have mentioned before , I refrain from any involvement in Trini pan politics , since I do not feel sufficiently informed on the personalities and issues involved to have preferences.
As you may know I've often expressed the thought that there seem to be a lack of "outside the box" thinking as regards to future progress of the steelband movement by both the Trinidad government and the steelband governing body , Pan Trinbago.
Over the years we've had many lively discussions on this forum as regards the future of the steelband , and my hope was that some of the items discussed may have been part of an agenda , a manifesto if you will , from the opposition promising to take the steelband organization into a new , exciting direction.
Instead , all I heard about was about alleged corruption , bullying , incompetence etc.
These allegations may or may not be true , but I would imagine that, to the rank and file pan player, these arguments may not necessarily have the power to dislodge a powerful leadership group , especially if such charges are unproven, or at least unclear.
From where I sit , though PT has a lot to account for , it appears to me that there are ongoing pan activities in T&T under the auspices of PanTrinbago that demonstrate some progress , even if not enough to satisfy some of us.
These activities seem to be enough to keep the majority of bands and members happy.
Which means that , IMHO , for a challenger or group to overthrow the current administration , they would have to propose a bold new exciting list of proposals , enough to excite the younger pan players , and cause them to demand change.
Just emphasizing alleged corruption , and other negatives isn't enough.
Even in politics , the negatives in a campaign need to be balanced with a positive vision for the future.
Again , I'm not taking sides.
These are just my thoughts.
In conclusion I must add that a healthy opposition , even an unofficial one, has a role in any democratic organization to keep the elected officials as honest as possible, so my hope is that the New Visionaries not give up hope , but continue to be the watchdogs on behalf of their supporters and friends.
This can only make for a stronger organization.
Glenroy let's be honest.
Pan Trinbago is no place for progressive young people, particularly women. Pan Trinbago represents a bunch of grumpy old men who are quite prepared to have the ship go down with them and everyone onboard. Pan has already exceeded their wildest dreams as teenagers decades ago.
I find your not taking sides curious. Who is responsible for all the failed projects? Who is responsible for the talent drain and frustration? Does Pan Trinbago look like a fortune 500 cultural organization to you? Whose fault is it that Trinidad and Tobago cannot even man twenty large bands in country that had no band categories ten years ago?
How do you propose to repair the Pan Trinbago brand? Mention the name Pan Trinbago and people laugh, snicker, roll their eyes or shake their heads. Many outright refuse to get involved with them.
What would Pan Trinbago be or do without Panorama? Cancel Panorama 2016 what do you think would happen to Pan Trinbago?
Good comment Bugs, Pan Trinbago is like an organize crime family, they use intimidation and fear tactics to control. They are making a huge mistake by underestimating the power of social media.
Beverley: I am glad that you came to the forum and addressed your supporters. As far as the future goes, I am quite sure that KEITH DIAZ will be in office until 2021 -- unless he dies before that. So from that perspective, I think that the NEW VISIONARIES should set its sights on NEW VISIONS. I would suggest that you function as an Independent Steelpan Body with an early emphasis on producing STEELBAND shows or concerts and booking Steelpan performances internationally.
With proper outreach and marketing, I am sure that you could find sponsors and funding to propel your organization forward.
What has confused me the most over the last three years is that people (local and foreign) never seemed to respect the DESPERATION surrounding the control and administration of PAN TRINBAGO. Looking at Trinidad today, I firmly believe that if people have to KILL to keep their hands in that POT OF GOLD, they would.
The whole PAN TRINBAGO scene might be more treacherous than any Lion's Den.
I would say, the membership have spoken. What about that so hard to understand? Let the opposition regroup and come again, next three years.