Well this year they send ah stream jumbie fuh we.
What a Load of CRAP. Anyone would think the way these Radio Stations are having trouble broadcasting, panorama was some spontaneous lime that only just happened by accident. Not something that happens every year at carnival. No one it seems to have had the foresight to book more broadband server time to cope with the demand.
WACK's Stream is playing in staccato.
i95 stream is the same with the added left channel only and it seems this was the choice of WST to link we up wid dis S---t
What a shambles!
I suppose I should not really be surprised. Both WACK and i95 share the same incompetent streaming company.
Don't ask about Radio Trinbago (bunch of jokers, JUMPTV turned out to be).
I think the only way anyone (EXPAT Trinbagonians) will ever get close to the action will be to visit Trinidad in person.
The Expat is just not being catered for. If this is considered the best we can do as a nation then developed nation status is decades away.
Why don't they just face facts? These days everything costs and is no good trying to do it on the cheap.
I would not mind a paid subscription service if it meant an un-interrupted one with high quality sound reproduction.
Or Am I in a minority of one?
Comeback W V D I all’s forgiven.
This is just one of many frustrations, we expats confront when we look at the overall quality of life in Tand T . I have a long list, every time I come to Trinidad I shake my head in disbelief at the array of things that are so far from improvement, from the lack of water in certain parts of the islands,key streets in Port of Spain are sorely in need of repair. The outrageous cost of simply going to certain events. As a world Traveler I have been to Brazil during their Carnival, and the cost of going there is actually almost the same (also a travel consultant) as going to Trinidad as we get closer to the event. The hotel and bed and breakfast rates border on embarrassment. We have a beautiful country and our Carnival is a grand experience, but greed and callous indifference is turning so many people off.
I totally agree with you on the unpreparedness of the broadcasting stations - radio and tv in Trinidad. THIS HAPPENS EVERY YEAR!!! I was prepared to pay to see and hear the semis with Jump tv but I got burned by them before this so I was NOTgoing that way again. The best broadcast was through Power102fm. It was clear - the announcers were credible and there was no stoppage at all. I listened to all night right up to Birdsong and was able, by the reception, to be right on the money as to who came 1st to 8th. I felt Invaders should have come higher but was kinda satisfied with who got in except in the case of Skiffle bunch. I woulda put them before Deltones or Soundsetters.
Anyway people - try out the web site www.power102fm.com - for the finals. They play good calypsoes, popular soca and steelband not like Wack that plays sh*t all the time.
If I were in charge I would be withdrawing almost all broadcasting licenses until Trini radio stations were constantly giving perfect reception nationwide and for the idiots in charge that means Tobago as well. It's not like the two islands are so big or far apart it cannot be achieved. We are in the 21st centuary. We have oil revenue, don't spend it on foreign policemen and forget the tourist industry.
They should also incurr a hefty fine for playing Reggae. Don't get me wrong some reggae is quite nice but: it is not our music.
If people want reggae they should play it at home. Only Calypso, Soca and Steelband should be coming out of our stations especially at this time of year.
THA should demand that this is addressed immediately.
Yes Randisc the online feeds were all horrible. Luckily, WST provided links to many of the stations that broadcasted the panorama so as one failed I was able to move to a different one. The experience was almost as bad as dealing with CMNG last years.
Pan Trinbago needs to take steps to make sure that its name and product (Panorama) is not hurt internationally by these unprofessional miss steps.
The panorama semi finals proved once again that not one of these organizations can deliver quality or professional services.
Last year, CNG got sole rights to broadcast the Carnival presentations....waste of time...poor service...lots of the same complaints - frozen images and skipping audio. That was because so many of us love our culture and want to keep abreast of what is happening. Apparently, the powers that be, do not have a clue, there are thousands of Trinis LIVING ALL OVER THE WORLD, and at Carnival time, if we cannot get back home, we want to keep up with what is going on and crave every and any image we can see of the festivities.
How on earth could they think that one or two sites that normally get a few hundred hits, could support the sudden surge of thousands, during the Carnival season? Imept comes to mind, but I'm going there right now. Our internationally known festival needs professional help. NCCTT can tell you when Carnival will be till 2020, so what!! Why can't they get fully prepared to share the event globally, in a reliable, professional way. Increase the bandwith first, then a paid subscription may help. I want to see Panorama finals and Dimanche Gras without all the drama, PLEASE.