Celebration of Women and the Steelpan Art Form
This March marks the 25th anniversary of my involvement with pan. Forty years ago pans were introduced into British schools through the efforts of renowned pan pioneers such as Gerald Forsyth and Russell Henderson. My secondary school – the Radcliffe, in the new city of Milton Keynes - started their steelband in 1984, and despite having never seen or heard pan before, and as I was involved in every other musical activity possible (orchestras, choirs and so on) I was not going to be left out of something that looked as interesting as these mysterious new instruments.
I quickly started arranging my own solos for pan, encouraged and inspired by my teachers Richard Murphy (former TNT Music Festival adjudicator) and Neil Davison, and our tuner – Michael “Natsy” Contant. In 1989 I was awarded a bursary for excellence in the arts by the Borough of Milton Keynes, which enabled me to travel to Trinidad and experience the mind-blowing spectacle of Panorama and Carnival at first hand. Later that year I was awarded first place in the UK National Soloists Championships, and I went on to gain two degrees in music performance (on double bass – pan is still not a recognised instrument in UK conservatoires) from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and City University, London, where I am currently conducting doctoral research into pan repertoire.
You are a living example the world over,,,i to know and you to wonder,,,to the point,,, keep up your good work,,, strive or excellence,,,GOD BLESS.
I applaud your efforts and accomplishments, as well as those of all women, who are helping to push
PAN beyond all musical barriers.
Congratulations Rachel and keep up the good work, 25 years is nothing to sneeze at...I remember seeing a steel band at my sisters school in SE18 (Plumstead Manor) and that was when (in the 70's) I decided I wanted to play the instrument. Keep working hard, it will continue to yield dividends.
Congratulations Rachel! We played together in Starlift years ago, and still have your cd. I applaud your talent, and hope to see you again in T&T.
Nice to hear from you Dhanesh! I'm now running a pan-round-neck band too - really old school! I'd love to come back to TnT someday. Hopefully see you then. All the best
PS there's some more clips on my website http://www.steelpan.co.uk