Over the past few days, an agent of distortion has been focused on my statement that "GEORGE 'SONNY' GODDARD IS THE GREATEST LEADER OF THE STEELBAND MOVEMENT" Now, although I am not sure why he is so offended, one thing is clear, and that is he wishes to mitigate my dad's work. Now, as far as the "back and forth" over the past few days, if anyone of you are honest with yourself, you will notice that I was not, nor am not, suggesting that my father is "the greatest thing to happen to pan". I have continually attempted, to draw the distinction between history of the instrument (itself), and the (social) "steelband movement", which would not have "moved" forward were it not for the work of the leadership. In regards to that "leadership", based on THE EVIDENCE of the body of work (and accomplishments) of his and other "leaders", I position that he (George) was the greatest leader of the steelband movement, and until ANYONE provides alternating EVIDENCE, I maintain my position. Now as for the distinguished title "great", it is disguised under many names, such as , Christ (Anointed), Sage, King, Ras, Empress, Grand Master, Sir, Saint, Angel, Wise One, etc.. It is important to note that "great" people NEVER appoint themselves such titles, in fact, in many cases, they are "dead and gone", long before such are bestowed upon them. GREATNESS is not by self-appointment, for those we label as "great", go about their works, regardless of our appreciation levels.
In his book, George cites numerous sources as to the origins of the pan, including Charles Espinet, Oscaret Claude, W. A. Simmonds, C. H. Yip-Young, Dr. J.D. Elder, Sylvia Gonzalez, Pete Simon, George Yates, Lennox Pierre, The Roaring Lion, Emile "Zola" Williams, Ellie Manette, Victor "Totee" Wilson, Carlton "Lord Humbugger" Forde, and, of course, Winston "Spree Simon, among others. To dismiss my dad's book as simply his opinions , is not in keeping with fact, an issue this agent has trouble with relating to. A statement does not a fact make, and even my dad, with his limited level of academic education knew the importance of that approach, when making claims. This agent, again is easily dismissed, for his accusations are without merit, and he is an admitted party to accepting EVERYTHING that is written as "history" (both biblical, and otherwise.) I understand the importance of tangible proof, and, obviously he does not. Or could not care less, and maybe his attempt is another deliberate attempt to distort history.
So when this agent misrepresents that I claim the George was "...the greatest person in the history of pan...", all I can ask is for you all to go back into anything I ever posted on this site (or anywhere else) showing such claim was made. ONLY "workers of confusion", would continually add such strife. We all know that there is the ongoing debate of who is the BEST (another word for "great") SOLOIST; Boogsie, Robert, Tello, Narell, etc., as well as the BEST ARRANGER, BEST TUNER, BEST ELECTRONIC PAN, and all kinds of superlatives...THE GRANDMASTER comes to mind. It is totally hypocritical to, on one hand say, no one man deserves the credit, then, on the other, believe it is okay to give the title to Spree Simon, and the expense of history. Even Spree, himself, as quoted by Anthony Mark Jones' Steelband - Winston "Spree" Simon's Story (c. 1974), openly admitted that, " I DON'T KNOW WHO FIRST SAID "LET US BEAT PAN IN PLACE OF BAMBOO.", a statement I (deductively) assume would never be made by pan's "inventor". So, Kitch, alters pan history, and he is "GRAND" (and off-limits to criticism to many), and these wanna-be writers claim to be offended by the exalting of ANYONE! For the record, my dad NEVER saw himself as ANYTHING other than a SERVANT OF THE STEELBANDS, and, in many cases, there are many in the pan fraternity who saw (and still see, many silently) who gave him that title long before I arrived on the scene. Again, this agent is presenting a lot of information without providing his sources, and any college-trained writer knows that is not as being considered intellectually credible "evidence". EVERYTHING , that I post, I back up with the evidence and my sources, which are ALWAYS "primary", not based on heresy and uncorroborated information. Now, as someone of African descent, I know the importance of research, for, were I to accept "history" as fact, I would have to accept that my "ancestors, were running around as savage cannibals in jungles, until the Phantom, Tarzan, and Christian "missionaries" came to "civilize us. Thankfully, I have been exposed to the EVIDENCE refuting what was written in European fabrications, known as "world history". This agent believes that the Bible is a "historic" document, and I am sure there are many who also believe that. However, I know the ORIGINS of the teachings that MOSES (its "first writer") copied into his Torah (Gen. to Deut.), including the story of the fruit, which originally was not "forbidden". (For the TRUTH seeker, you can send me a note, and I'll be happy to share the EVIDENCE.) I choose to keep my "religious" beliefs out of this forum. Were it not for those TRUTH SEEKERS, much of African contributions and influence to society would have remained suppressed/hidden, and the steeldrum/pan is not immune at attempts to remove ANY reference to AFRICAN INFLUENCE. When it comes to the contributions of Blacks in Trinidad & Tobago, they prefer them being referred to as "we t'ing!". But the real intent is to distort that "history" as well, and it is EXACTLY because of this, that George "Sonny" Goddard voiced his concerns, recorded as early as 1964, as quoted in an article in The Hummingbird magazine by Aubrey E. James, under the title "The Steelband". Nothing is "humble" about this agent's opinions, and he is such an easy fraud to dismiss.
I would like to address his attempt to discredit the information in my dad's books as "his" version. ANYONE who read the book (and this agent claims to have read many), would see that, in keeping with his style, George is NOT the focus. From inside cover, to the exhaustive list of references, acknowledgments, and dedications, it is clear that this agent NEVER even saw the book, much less read it, and is blindly criticizing, in further evidence of his intent to purposely misrepresent the truth. ANYONE who read the book, would know that on almost EVERY page, there are references to primary sources, including recorded interviews (by himself and others), published magazine newspaper articles (many available on microfilm at the public library), and his own personal accounts as backed up by local news articles, academic researchers (Dr. J. D. Elder, Sylvia Gonzalez, Pete Simon, and others), and numerous "pioneers". This agent refers to books without providing their names, and his his assumed generalizations do not provide evidence of his (assumed) research studies on "the history of pan". If this agent is sincere about honoring the "missing names", then he would be wise to do the research, and end his lazy attempt at trying to appear as a "pan history buff", which, obviously, he isn't. Personally, from my experience in the study of psychology, he has menalin issues, and it is EXACTLY because he knows that the pan is an AFRICAN invention, that he feels to need to interject the (unforgotten) "mixed descent". I don't have that inferiority issue, for I have been exposed to the TRUE HISTORY of people of African descent, and, thanks to my dad and other "greats" dedicated to telling, know the MOST-ACCURATE versions of pans "origins", none of which credit Winston “Spree” Simon. ANYONE who is willing to compromise TRUTH and make history nothing more than “an agreed-upon fiction”, is not loyal to posterity, for the GREATEST legacy a society can leave its future generations, is the accurate representation of historical fact. And like those facts on African history, culture, and civilization, it is the ONLY pathway to liberation and future success. Again, I choose to side with those (lumpen-proletarian) local panists, and until they get what they deserve, I will continue to expose these agents of their demise and destruction. And who doh like it, can KISS MY BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKEY!
To Come: George's Cited Primary Sources on the "Origins of the Pan", as documented in his book, "Forty Years In The Steelbands, 1939 - 1979 (Karia Press).
George D. Goddard
THE GHOST WHO TALKS - Honoring George "Sonny" Goddard's Legacy.
Views: 321
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Hey George . . Ghost . . yuh fadder was by far . . de bes . . most dedicated . selfless an visionary Leader of Pan Trinbago . . widdout ah doubt . . Doe wen I get involved wid pan . .he was on he way out , ah hear ah lot about his leadership . . an he was ah fighter for wot he represented . . Pan Players . .De Bans an dey welfare . . ah no all de odders 1st han . . . xcept fuh Mr. Arnold an Mr. Diaz . . ah sit in two meetins wid Arnold as president . . an ah was not impressed atall . . Lookin at his "accomplishments" an he record . . he was as crooked as de odders since George . . . Arnim try tuh rehash George energy wid de Pandemonium affair . . buh he was ah crooked . . non-visionary leader 2 . . an he had de most progressive tinkin steelban - representatives of de day [ Panberi , Birdsong [de East Region ] an 3rd World ] an . Barbara from All Stars . . tuh wok wid . . all were frustrated as de ideas tuh take pan forward . . was trampled . . by Arnim . . who we elected . . an de odder Tribal warriors who surronded him . . som good tings did happen under his leadership still eh . . buh overall . . ! ! Yuh rite tuh big up ole man George . .he was ah Giant wid integrity an honesty . . vital qualities wey none ah de odders since have shown . . stop quarellin wid de person yuh call a-gent . . wey yuh wouldda do if it was a-lady . . .leh we move on an get de facs correc an den rite we Pan History . . is still ah wok in progress . . collec all de imputs an strain dem . . we almos dere . . stop de fitein an start unitin . . de world watchin we an laffin . . . .while dey claimin de pan . . de big picture is demandin we full attenshun . . . Peace 2 all
Wayne, this was a very inspiring and humbling response. I am so glad that you posted this, and you are correct; in commenting that we need unity. I will re-post your response, and thank you for sharing. The fruit really does not fall far from the tree, and my dad was just as defensive and in "attack mode" up to the weekend before he passed on. A few months ago, my mom shared with me how on that particular Saturday, after coming from Belmont, they were both waiting for a taxi on the Diego taxi-stand on Independence Sq., when she had to stop him from responding to a heckler's question: "George Goddard, you aint dead yet!" Well, that Monday he was "dead". (I guess that heckler, and other "haters" got their wish, but as they say: "Be careful what you wish for!")
As for me when I heard that story, it made me even more committed to uncover what has been hidden in the "pan world", much to the fact where he is neither respected, honored, nor appreciated for his contributions and how they positively impact us as "panists". If I did not bring him into the conversation, the name George "Sonny" Goddard (in all likelihood) would never have been mentioned in any discussion on this WST forum, based on prior discussions. Interestingly, his book is one of the references cited on this website, as well as by many publications and articles, including those by Kim Johnson. (Quite a few verbatim.) So any attempt to discredit or mitigate his influence on the "pan movement" (which should be forward not backward), will be met with fiery and deliberate defence by the "Ghost Who Talks", which, essentially, is all posterity, for we are the ones left with the responsibility to continue his legacy. Thanks again for your support, Wayne. More Power.
George Goddard, as far as I understand is the father of the steelband movement in Trinidad & Tobago just as Dr. Eric Williams was the "Father of the Nation".
It was because of George Goddard and the hard work which he put into mobilising all steelbands into one body, we have seen the great strides made by the steelband movement. We now have the steelpan being taught in colleges and univ ersities all over the world.
Thanks, Albert. I hope EVERYONE see your post, and rather that simply state that than are offended (how dare your give him the title of "father", and compare him to the "Doc!), present proof to back up their arguments that he was not "great", or "father", or that there exists persons who did more for "THE MOVEMENT". I've tried to articulate the difference between the two histories -pan and the movement - to no avail. Regardless, the proof of George's work is etched in time! Thanks again for your gratitude and recognition.
George D. Goddard
THE GHOST WHO TALKS - Honoring George "Sonny" Goddard's Legacy.
BEDE LOPEZ > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksJuly 5, 2011 at 8:58am
Looks like somebody chew your tail off again George, but I agree with you, if he was my dad and i have a book out there i will be pushing it too, best regards
Interesting to see the two different perspectives on my post. To Bede, FYI - I am not "pushing" anything. As a matter of fact the book is out of publication, and Kim Johnson has expressed interest in having it republished. AGAIN, I represent TRUTH and UNITY, not FABRICATIONS and NARCISSISM. As an undergraduate student at Florida Memorial University, I recognized the lack of command that my peers (all pan majors on scholarships), when it came to articulating the history of pan, and NOT ONE of them knew the name George Goddard. So, I intended to fill that void, and that is what I shall continue to do, until the day that his contributions are properly honored and recognized. As you can see from Albert's response, there are those who know and appreciate his works. You all cannot expect to throw corn and not call fowl. And I will push back against ANYONE who has the disrespect and lack of appreciation, and choose the undignified road of ridicule, libel, and misrepresentations. I appreciate your being honest in your selfishness, and maybe that is the reason you were not born into this distinguished family. Chew on that. BTW - I don't have a tail; it may be another of my extremities you all are eagerly gnawing on. (Can you say "Third Leg"?) Now, stop "iffing", and tell us about your family's contributions to society. And stop with your "daddy envy". Peace.
BEDE LOPEZ > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksJuly 5, 2011 at 2:37pm
very interesting mr goddard, and i did know your father george goddard
As for me when I heard that story, it made me even more committed to uncover what has been hidden in the "pan world", much to the fact where he is neither respected, honored, nor appreciated for his contributions and how they positively impact us as "panists". If I did not bring him into the conversation, the name George "Sonny" Goddard (in all likelihood) would never have been mentioned in any discussion on this WST forum, based on prior discussions. Interestingly, his book is one of the references cited on this website, as well as by many publications and articles, including those by Kim Johnson. (Quite a few verbatim.) So any attempt to discredit or mitigate his influence on the "pan movement" (which should be forward not backward), will be met with fiery and deliberate defence by the "Ghost Who Talks", which, essentially, is all posterity, for we are the ones left with the responsibility to continue his legacy. Thanks again for your support, Wayne. More Power.
George Goddard, as far as I understand is the father of the steelband movement in Trinidad & Tobago just as Dr. Eric Williams was the "Father of the Nation".
It was because of George Goddard and the hard work which he put into mobilising all steelbands into one body, we have seen the great strides made by the steelband movement. We now have the steelpan being taught in colleges and univ ersities all over the world.
Thanks, Albert. I hope EVERYONE see your post, and rather that simply state that than are offended (how dare your give him the title of "father", and compare him to the "Doc!), present proof to back up their arguments that he was not "great", or "father", or that there exists persons who did more for "THE MOVEMENT". I've tried to articulate the difference between the two histories -pan and the movement - to no avail. Regardless, the proof of George's work is etched in time! Thanks again for your gratitude and recognition.
George D. Goddard
THE GHOST WHO TALKS - Honoring George "Sonny" Goddard's Legacy.
very interesting mr goddard, and i did know your father george goddard