In reaction to the recent "multicultural" paradigm shift of the "pan in the classroom" by many, including those in the current administrations of (both) the government and Pan Trinbago, quite a number of WST members have been posting feelings of anger, disgust, and a sense of urgency. It amuses me to see how some WST members are now coming to certain revolutionary attitudes, in dealing with the social issues that the "pan fraternity" is faced with. It further amazes me that, many who claim to be "pioneers" - old stalwarts in the steelbands - have (somehow) forgotten the history of the "steelband movement"; that it is sufficiently smothered with stories of struggles against society - religious, academic, and political institutions. While many chose to focus on the music (which for them is Panorama, and that's it), I kept my topics on the issues that impact the everyday lives of the average local panman and panwoman, even in the face of much ridicule and personal attacks.
I was pleasantly surprised to see, one of my more-passionate critics post, what is obviously a very revolutionary position, where he believes that the WST membership should (essentially) take part in a coup d'état, against Pan Trinbago. (I'm not sure if he realizes that is what he is suggesting.) I am happy that finally, some are coming around to my revolutionary views, as to what it would take for the steelband movement to move (forward). I presented my "Blueprint For Pan Success", and in much of what you are now seeing posted by many of my critics, are issues I addressed, with solutions, including the call to action by this WST membership.
The fact remains that, convenient egotistical juxtapositions, are not going to be effective toward a successful revolution. Indeed, a revolution, is not a pastime event; rather, it is the day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, second to second, attitudes and positions, one takes while in the struggle. There are no public holidays or Sabbaths, and, certainly, no "photo-opps". I have long been a vocal opponent of Pan Trinbago, a position I have held since its formation, which was nothing more than a politically-controlled effort to infiltrate, then divide, and finally conquer the steelband movement. This, sadly, they have been very successful at, since 1971, and a huge part of that success, came as the result of the suppression of the revolutionary mindset. This is why they had to get rid of George "Sonny" Goddard and his NATTS organization. Certainly, those who claim loyalty to our national instrument, would not expect the victor (Pan Trinbago) to share any spoils with the victim (the local panman and panwoman). ALL the changes we see today, were in development since 1971, from the prostitution (money for selling yourself) of the "Greens", to the "multiculturalization" of the "pan in the class" program. (It should be named "Class In The Pan Program". And, yes, "race".)
So, while others may be "jumping up with any band that pass", I have remained revolutionary and controversial, in keeping with my dad's legacy. Regardless of what is popular, I will continue to do my part on this forum, to keep the discussions and debates, both accurate and relevant. The time for nepotism, favoritism, and the clannish attitudes and behaviors to end, and for mobilization to begin. The fact remains that, in reality, only but a few of the WST membership are really involved in these discussions, and you can all take a look and see the percentage of the membership that even bother to log in and view the posts, much less get involved. (I think the low percentage, is also reflective of the apathetic attitudes and opinions of the entire pan body in Trinidad & Tobago, and the rest of the world.)
A few days ago, Dr. Lance suggested that you all read "Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" by Pauo Freire. Coincidentally, that was one of the reading requirements for one of my college psychology classes, and I highly second that suggestion. Until we "educate" ourselves more on struggle, revolution, and freedom, we (as a local pan body) will always be slaves to an always-willing master. My dad understood this, and this is why the Eric Wiliams' PNM administration had no other choice, but to respect him, and deal with a powerful, united pan body. It is also why, his name and legacy, had to be erased from the minds of the local pan player, for an "educated" revolutionary mass, is the greatest enemy of the status quo.
WE THE STEELBAND AND PAN PEOPLE, hold the power, for ANY "governing body", who does not serve those they were elected to serve (i.e, the "World"), should have the understanding that they can be removed, by those whom they have failed to serve. This is the only way for the steelband to move forward, in my opinion; that Pan Trinbago needs to be removed, diplomatically, of course. But that will take a new leadership with the vision and conviction to truly serve the masses of pan players, especially those in the land of pan's birth. As for the protection and propriety issues, the steelband industry should have a non-profit Smithsonian-type lobby, whose sole purpose, would be in ensuring that the history and culture of the steelband are preserved, protected, and properly-represented in society (including academia) for posterity. In any event, the Monday-night quarterbacking, will not produce any results, and Gil Scott Heron was accurate in reminding us that "the Revolution will not be televised...".
Yours In Pan,
George D. Goddard. Pan'tum - The Ghost Who Talks.
Honoring The Legacy Of George "Sonny" Goddard.
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1971, New Years day newspaper article reports that Goddard is upset over the arrests, and calls for removal of the “primitive law”. Calls for steelbands to boycott government functions. George does not attend the Prime Minister's Party for Tripoli Steelband, just back on tour with Liberace. On February 28, a paid advertisement, “Thank You Dr. Eric Williams”, endorsed by forty-five steelband leaders, appears in the local newspapers. Shortly after, George is fired by the government. SIC (Steelbands Improvement Committee) presses for special convention with aims of disrupting proceedings and moving for a “no confidence” vote. George announces there will no special meeting, and resigns in June as the Association's leader. Finally, toward the year's end, the name of the Association would be changed to Pan Trinbago. (Source:
AN EMAIL I RECEIVED THIS MORNING. (Terry Samuel, this one's for you. Contrary to your belief, there are those who appreciate what I do. Now, don't get your cancan tied all tied up in a knot, playa hater.)
I saw your recent post on WST and was impressed by your writing, in fact, I share a similar sentiment re: the running of our organisation, and like you, is hoping for a miracle, to effect the change necessary, for good governance in the day to day affairs of Pan Trinbago. I am sending a document that will startle you, and you can come to your own conclusions, just like I did with mine.
Terry Samuel > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksMay 11, 2012 at 10:51am
Ghost, mouth open story jump-out this is what I have been telling you, I am concern about the panmen and women welfare in Trinidad & Tobago, when will you bat for the stakeholders, the forum will take care of PanTrinbago, WST have gigabytes about the history of the steelpan in their archives. Your writing only full of diatribe.
You have not address SteelfesTT 2012 - you jump on the bandwagon on the rumor issues concerning Pan in the Classroom.
The PM address the rumors all you haters who only waiting for negatives post, when someone post a negative post, the board lit up like a Christmas tree, when a positive post appear, everybody including yourself go into hibernation.
lmao! Terry, EVERYONE but you, know who I am, and again, I'm not a self=confessed "ordinary Joe" Blow, like you. EVERYONE but you, also knows that I withheld the sender's name, out of respect for their privacy. You keep asking for me to leave you alone, and keep poking me. I'm not into the Pokemon business, pardner! lmao. You big dummy. I have SEVERAL posts with my FULL NAME in them. Then again, you have not read ANY of my posts, have you? Other than the ones where I have to keep batting you back into your non-talented, envious, functionally-illiterate, ordinary Joe Blow crease. "All you haters..."? You party-loyal, Kamla Persad-Bissesar brown-nosing, paranoid, SOB. (Simple Ordinary Blow.) Hibernation? FYI - An activist's "job", is to fight to make things right; if things are "right", she/he moves on to the next task at hand. An acticist is also not easily fooled by apparent rewards and benefits, and scrutinizes EVERY detail in a pact. (I though you, as an "activist" knew that.) And, by the way, I did congratulate your "Highness", openly, both here and on Facebook when she won the elections. The problem with you, is that you expect people to keep coming, and coming, and coming... Lady Liberty, I think you need to use your hot torch, oui. lmao. Ah know yuh hot; one minute yuh beggin' meh tuh stop, and de nex', yuh askin' for more. Yuh mus be take meh fuh allyuh boy, Mr. Fete! lmfao!!! ("f" for "freaking".)
GHOST - Who doh use black stone. Strictly roots an' ital. Ladies, Happy Mother's Day to you too, Lady Liberty. (Hope you appreciate my sense of humor. If not, oh well...We will ALL get over it.)
George Goddard (Yep, that's my birth-given first and last name; like the rest of us, before and after.)
My African name is Jabari Baruti Osaze. Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace.) You too, Terry Samuel. And check out my positive clips, let see you set the example and respond.
Mercer Ramdoo > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksMay 16, 2012 at 7:03pm
If Iceland can find a way to change its face of politics. Then pan must find a way forward... Somehow the pan-embrace seems to be missing something which the Ghost appears more a-tuned to than others... Maybe, just maybe, the word is gaining traction...
Regrettably we had the very unfortunate development within our education system where the Pan was removed from its position of eminence and tossed down into the category of being just another instrument.
Tonight I stand before you to offer praise to the Pan, which was researched and developed by men whose only skill was that driven by a determination to produce an instrument out of discarded vessels and containers. Who was Victor Totee Wilson? - The man credited with putting the first notes on a metal container. He was a simple pan man who felt the spiritual urgings of an inspiration that was dynamic and far-reaching.
I feel compelled to share with you, our hurt and disappointment caused by the cavalier attitude towards this instrument, which has been demonstrated by those in authority.
Now as the wise old people often say, "talk is cheap", so time for less talk and more action!!!
I do believe that some of you are misguided Pan Trinbago is trying its best to do the job it is not an easy one but they are working at it and only a few hours ago i heard Brian Serrette make a statement asking the pan in the class room people to work with them and together they can fight the powers that be
Some of you should have made the effort to attend steel festt this week and listen to some of the speakers and everyone is for pan in education so wake up people pan is moving forward.
There is no question that Pan Trinbago is trying it's best, but unfortunately they fall short too often and as a result, the rest of the world doesn't take them seriously as the "world" governing body for Pan. More than 50 years after the creation of the pan and they sill haven't standardized the Pan, which is ridiculous..., their "new" headquarters is an eyesore and a dismal failure...I have sent them countless emails as well as other folks with not one response from them...
If they are the world governing body for pan, what have they done to reach out to the various steel band associations across the world? What are their recent accomplishments that benefits the steel bands of Trinidad or the World? If it were not for our protests on this WST board, the DVD product of Panorama would have continued to be a sub-par product...those protests did "not" come from Pan Trinbago who, from what I saw, were silent on this issue.
I could go on and on and on, but you see my point?
Pepe, what is "the job", Pan Trinbago is legally entitled to perform? Please list ALL accomplishments of PT since 1971, and how they have impacted the "quality of life" of the average local pan player. Did the profits from the prostitution of Panorama (the "Greens") trickle down to the average player? What qualifies PT to be the "world governing body"? Is Pan Trinbago a non-profit union, and how are they legally registered? Finally, if a member gets sick, gets into trouble with the law, of dies, what benefits does PT provide? Thanks for your response.
Terry Samuel > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksMay 9, 2012 at 11:23am
That is your job Ghost to get the stakeholders together for their spoils - you do not expect PanTrinbago to seek the employees benefits...
1971, New Years day newspaper article reports that Goddard is upset over the arrests, and calls for removal of the “primitive law”. Calls for steelbands to boycott government functions. George does not attend the Prime Minister's Party for Tripoli Steelband, just back on tour with Liberace. On February 28, a paid advertisement, “Thank You Dr. Eric Williams”, endorsed by forty-five steelband leaders, appears in the local newspapers. Shortly after, George is fired by the government. SIC (Steelbands Improvement Committee) presses for special convention with aims of disrupting proceedings and moving for a “no confidence” vote. George announces there will no special meeting, and resigns in June as the Association's leader. Finally, toward the year's end, the name of the Association would be changed to Pan Trinbago.
AN EMAIL I RECEIVED THIS MORNING. (Terry Samuel, this one's for you. Contrary to your belief, there are those who appreciate what I do. Now, don't get your cancan tied all tied up in a knot, playa hater.)
Ghost, mouth open story jump-out this is what I have been telling you, I am concern about the panmen and women welfare in Trinidad & Tobago, when will you bat for the stakeholders, the forum will take care of PanTrinbago, WST have gigabytes about the history of the steelpan in their archives. Your writing only full of diatribe.
You have not address SteelfesTT 2012 - you jump on the bandwagon on the rumor issues concerning Pan in the Classroom.
The PM address the rumors all you haters who only waiting for negatives post, when someone post a negative post, the board lit up like a Christmas tree, when a positive post appear, everybody including yourself go into hibernation.
lmao! Terry, EVERYONE but you, know who I am, and again, I'm not a self=confessed "ordinary Joe" Blow, like you. EVERYONE but you, also knows that I withheld the sender's name, out of respect for their privacy. You keep asking for me to leave you alone, and keep poking me. I'm not into the Pokemon business, pardner! lmao. You big dummy. I have SEVERAL posts with my FULL NAME in them. Then again, you have not read ANY of my posts, have you? Other than the ones where I have to keep batting you back into your non-talented, envious, functionally-illiterate, ordinary Joe Blow crease. "All you haters..."? You party-loyal, Kamla Persad-Bissesar brown-nosing, paranoid, SOB. (Simple Ordinary Blow.) Hibernation? FYI - An activist's "job", is to fight to make things right; if things are "right", she/he moves on to the next task at hand. An acticist is also not easily fooled by apparent rewards and benefits, and scrutinizes EVERY detail in a pact. (I though you, as an "activist" knew that.) And, by the way, I did congratulate your "Highness", openly, both here and on Facebook when she won the elections. The problem with you, is that you expect people to keep coming, and coming, and coming... Lady Liberty, I think you need to use your hot torch, oui. lmao. Ah know yuh hot; one minute yuh beggin' meh tuh stop, and de nex', yuh askin' for more. Yuh mus be take meh fuh allyuh boy, Mr. Fete! lmfao!!! ("f" for "freaking".)
GHOST - Who doh use black stone. Strictly roots an' ital. Ladies, Happy Mother's Day to you too, Lady Liberty. (Hope you appreciate my sense of humor. If not, oh well...We will ALL get over it.)
George Goddard (Yep, that's my birth-given first and last name; like the rest of us, before and after.)
My African name is Jabari Baruti Osaze. Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace.) You too, Terry Samuel. And check out my positive clips, let see you set the example and respond.
If Iceland can find a way to change its face of politics. Then pan must find a way forward... Somehow the pan-embrace seems to be missing something which the Ghost appears more a-tuned to than others... Maybe, just maybe, the word is gaining traction...
Now as the wise old people often say, "talk is cheap", so time for less talk and more action!!!
I do believe that some of you are misguided Pan Trinbago is trying its best to do the job it is not an easy one but they are working at it and only a few hours ago i heard Brian Serrette make a statement asking the pan in the class room people to work with them and together they can fight the powers that be
Some of you should have made the effort to attend steel festt this week and listen to some of the speakers and everyone is for pan in education so wake up people pan is moving forward.
There is no question that Pan Trinbago is trying it's best, but unfortunately they fall short too often and as a result, the rest of the world doesn't take them seriously as the "world" governing body for Pan. More than 50 years after the creation of the pan and they sill haven't standardized the Pan, which is ridiculous..., their "new" headquarters is an eyesore and a dismal failure...I have sent them countless emails as well as other folks with not one response from them...
If they are the world governing body for pan, what have they done to reach out to the various steel band associations across the world? What are their recent accomplishments that benefits the steel bands of Trinidad or the World? If it were not for our protests on this WST board, the DVD product of Panorama would have continued to be a sub-par product...those protests did "not" come from Pan Trinbago who, from what I saw, were silent on this issue.
I could go on and on and on, but you see my point?
Their best is not good enough IMHO.
Pepe, what is "the job", Pan Trinbago is legally entitled to perform? Please list ALL accomplishments of PT since 1971, and how they have impacted the "quality of life" of the average local pan player. Did the profits from the prostitution of Panorama (the "Greens") trickle down to the average player? What qualifies PT to be the "world governing body"? Is Pan Trinbago a non-profit union, and how are they legally registered? Finally, if a member gets sick, gets into trouble with the law, of dies, what benefits does PT provide? Thanks for your response.
That is your job Ghost to get the stakeholders together for their spoils - you do not expect PanTrinbago to seek the employees benefits...