It’s been decades since the south steel orchestras of Trinidad stood toe to toe with the great bands of the North. In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks, Steve Regis – arranger, captain and founder of Sundowners – takes us back to another time.
WST - When Steel Talks would be very interested in you sharing more about Sundowners Steel Orchestra and what you remember about that first Panorama in 1963… with the steelpan community.
Steve R. - Thank you for your interest in Sundowners. You are asking this old man to remember things that was [sic] 60 years ago but I will do my best to answer them.
click for full interview
Steve, could you say what year Sundowners was formed? I know it was in the 1950's for I remember hearing the Band from home on Pointe-a-Pierre road practicing in the garage . Regardless of what is said Sundowners was a very strong institution and it was the focal point of our community for a very long time and so we can all look back with great pride and joy at the " Downers" and their numerous achievements and how we all felt elated to be associated with it. Thanks.
Garvin Adams, you made mention that Selwyn (Bit) Dayal was not mentioned in this interview. That may have been an oversight. However, I was asked to speak of myself and not the entire band. Had I been asked to do this I probably would still be writing about everyone especially Selwyn who held the band together for many years before he left Trinidad. Selwyn would always be remembered. Now that you have given me a piece of your mind, you may have missed the previous E-mail in which I responded to Dave De Castro on (Setting the facts straight) Please check the link. and you would see where Selwyn is mentioned as the original leader of Sundowners, or send me your E-mail directly and I would forward it to you.
Steve, don’t lose too much sleep over Garvin Adams. He’s probably the best known troll in the WST forum, with an extremely nasty, acrimonious disposition. Don’t spare him another thought, period..
However please keep writing about your memories, it is so good to hear about pan in the early times from those who have actually lived it. thanks a lot.
It is always enlightening listening to a voice from the past about the Pan World then and now. Thank you Mr. Steve Regis.