Asolutely No Respect for the Culture. In the Land of Mas and Pan the Police behave like they dont understand what's going on. They need a Course in Public Relations. Thats abuse of Authority. As an Ex-Police Officer I understand how they can get carried away by their Power. At the Annual Post Mortem of Carnival this Year they should Address this Mis-Conduct and Disrespect for Our Culture and look for ways to remedy it.. Its Inexcusable.
One wonders?! What really is the role of the police at carnival time? Is it to preserve the peace? to protect revellers? to allow for a free flow of proceedings? Or on the other hand ... is it to present a Police Band with their own type of riddim? or to show Brute Force? or simply to play themselves? Or is to divide in order to rule supreme?
Serious dialogue is needed here if we are to hold to the dictum " Trinidad Carnival - THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.
How great thou art T&T if it's no longer pleasurable?
Our security forces really need to step up at this time other wise the vibe will surely be done
as I said before colonialism at its best, enforced by uncle toms pretending to be human, just keep on going along in order to get along.
wake up people the days of colonial rule is reaching its climax, and shutting down, so lets return to the freedom of spirit that was once Africa before albinos, scuttled all our cultures, in order to set up corporate dictatorships, which I think will collapse early this coming year.
then revelry will return to its own, and a new stage(ancient cultural stage) will emerge.
I am not picking up for the Police, but Is it possible that they received reports that were from National Security?
Some of those same police officers are just like some of us, and could have been revelers if they were not on duty.
Band leader Mr. Jagessar said that he was informed that police cars will only interfere in cases of emergencies.
Maybe polite words changed to harsh words between both the police and the revelers. This clip is both honest & bias.
Asolutely No Respect for the Culture. In the Land of Mas and Pan the Police behave like they dont understand what's going on. They need a Course in Public Relations. Thats abuse of Authority. As an Ex-Police Officer I understand how they can get carried away by their Power. At the Annual Post Mortem of Carnival this Year they should Address this Mis-Conduct and Disrespect for Our Culture and look for ways to remedy it.. Its Inexcusable.
One wonders?! What really is the role of the police at carnival time? Is it to preserve the peace? to protect revellers? to allow for a free flow of proceedings? Or on the other hand ... is it to present a Police Band with their own type of riddim? or to show Brute Force? or simply to play themselves? Or is to divide in order to rule supreme?
Serious dialogue is needed here if we are to hold to the dictum " Trinidad Carnival - THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.
How great thou art T&T if it's no longer pleasurable?
Our security forces really need to step up at this time other wise the vibe will surely be done
What message are we sending to the world?
as I said before colonialism at its best, enforced by uncle toms pretending to be human, just keep on going along in order to get along.
wake up people the days of colonial rule is reaching its climax, and shutting down, so lets return to the freedom of spirit that was once Africa before albinos, scuttled all our cultures, in order to set up corporate dictatorships, which I think will collapse early this coming year.
then revelry will return to its own, and a new stage(ancient cultural stage) will emerge.