With 2016 PANORAMA almost upon us I am sure many PAN MEN AND WOMEN will be playing with many different bands in all categories for PANORAMA. We all know this has been going on for years. I recently read a post by VALANTINE YOUNG my bro who said he was a DESPERS player and support them all the time, he also said they are the best PANORAMA BAND and have the best players and he played tenor pan with them in 68 and 69 then he played with STARLIFF, TOKYO, HARMONITES AND EXODUS. I don't know the circumstances why he played with these other GREAT BANDS and who he was supporting to win when he played with them. MERRYTONESTOTHEBONES sounds loyal to his BAND. BERTEL AND CECIL are loyal to BOOGSIE and the PHASE. GLENROY always supports his SOUTH BAND. IAN is loyal to DESPERS. CLAUDE has a mind of his own. to name just a few. MY QUESTION is DIE HARD STEELBANDS MEN AND WOMEN (LOYALTY PLAYING AND OR SUPPORTING THEIR BAND ONLY) A DIEING BREED OR EAT AH FOOD MENTALITY.
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Guns for hire or casual labour?
I just realize that the FIRST PAN MAN to start this FREELANCING, NO LOYALTY TO BAND OR COMMUNITY, HOPPING FROM BAND TO BAND MENTALITY without regard that Earl Richards complaining about is VALENTINE YOUNG.
He played with DESPERS in 68 and 69 and then he jump to STARLIFT and then to TOKYO and then to SOLO HARMONITES and lastly to EXODUS. That is the example that VALENTINE YOUNG set and leave behind for the young generation. And now they are following his lead to a T and everybody want to complain!!!
Blame Valentine Young!!!
Yes let's blame Val Young.
Me eh know how dey eh beat him up on de hill ☺
Glenroy, dey fraid police up on the hill.
Earl My Bro. It Will Always be Eat Ah Food. TOO MUCH MONEY in Carnival. Tuners and Arrangers Make All the BIG MONEY. Without the Pan Players there Will be No Band. Panorama Now is not about Loyalty. I Totally Agree with anyone Who Plays in Panorama for the Money. Fame Dont Pay the Bills.
Earl My Brother. Its a Little Story to be Roaming among Steelbands in the Early Years of Panorama. DESPERS is My Band. I Played with them Between 65 to 68. I Left Because Every Year the Late Rudolph Charles used to Rob the Pan Players even His Own Brother Sad man, I Became very frustrated Year after Year We were being Robbed. Solo Harmonites Drummer at the Time a Pal of Mine Name Steve ''aka''Shat invited me to play. I Played for two years 69 and 70. the Following Year 1971 My Friend Brian ''BEAN'' Griffith invited Me to Play With Starlift. I played one Year and two Years Later became a Cop.
I did not play again until 1987 My Good Friend Ray Holman ask me to Join Him in Exodus. I Played for One Year and the Following Year 1988 again Followed Ray Holman into Tokyo. I Migrated that Same Year. My Point. If I was Still a Young Man of today I would of Gone to Bands that Paid Well Just as these Young Pan Players are doing Now. The Band Leaders of the Earlies Exploited the Young Pan Players and EXPECTED LOYALITY. Even thou I loved Pan Being Robbed as a Young Pan Player made me a MERCENARY.
Mr Earl Richard I appreciate the topic of discussion and I know all the seasoned pan enthusiasts are excited about next year, but I think we jumping the gun here. Are we sure that there will be a 2016 Panorama ? The T&T Govt is now in a serious depression because of falling oil and gas prices and I am hearing that Diaz and his crooked PanTrinbago is 5 million dollars in dept. 97% of the 170 plus steelbands in the twin islands don't have sponsors and rely on Pan Trinbago (who in turn rely on the Govt for funds) for financial help to get their bands in order to compete in panorama. Have you'll been following the news coming out of the mecca lately. The Govt cannot afford to give out free Xmas hampers and all Xmas parties is curtailed. The fun loving party and lime culture is in trouble ! Who is going to bail us out ! Do we have any Lotto millionaires here in foreign or rich businessmen with surplus who will do anything for the love of pan ?.
They will find the money, Arthur. The one thing that the PNM MUST FUND is the CARNIVAL. The PNM CONSTITUENCY is the CARNIVAL CONSTITUENCY who just voted them back into office. They can't break that bond. The problem is the LEVEL OF FINANCING.
RECESSION is not going to stop this annual event, this is heart and soul of what the people live for and depend on as their livelihood and community PRIDE.
Brother Valentino said it nicely “Dis Place Nice”, they don’t know their WORTH or have a SENSE of VALUE, they don’t know their RIGHTS, they cannot argue, but Trini KNOW how to PARTY…it’s their SPECIALTY.
odw, Nice song by Steve Sealy, would love it if a steelband pick it up, ah tink he drop it kinda late.