Pan Trinbago Secretary Denise Hernandez, left, looks on as trustee Keith Simpson shows documents to President Beverly Ramsey-Moore during the steelband body’s internal elections at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, yesterday.
Guyana can see its economy grow by a further 86% next year after expanding by 4.4% this year, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). That is
Syracuse, New York, USA - ....[Victor] Provost, a renowned steel panist, has played across the globe, and teaches classes in world music at George Mason University.
The musician will visit Syracuse from Nov. 7 to 10 to teach a ste
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - The eleven (11) remaining bands in the South/Central and Tobago Regions will wind up the National Panorama Single Pan Preliminaries over three days
The eight (8) South/Central bands will go through their paces before the adj
Maine, USA - Carl and Susan Chase, longtime Brooksville residents and huge contributors to the local music and arts scene, died together in their home on October 27. The cause of death was suicide, according to the
TT’s top five steel bands pulled out all the stops to thrill patrons at the Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, on Saturday night for Big 5 - The Concert.
Al O’Connor was at the forefront of the development of the steelband art form in North America, and his pioneering work influenced the formation of steelband orchestras at educational institutions throughout the USA and Asia.
PELHAM GODDARD was born in Clarence Street in St. James, Trinidad on December 12, 1946. The son of a seaman and a school teacher, he attended St. Crispin’s EC school. His love affair with music began early, with the first instrumental object of h
Watch the Live Stream - BIG 5 Concert - featuring - Exodus, Phase II Pan Groove, Renegades, Trinidad All Stars and Desperadoes -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Start Time 6:30 PM
When Steel Talks through our recording wing Basement Recordings, has had the good fortune of being associated with some of the best steelpan and steel orchestra recordings ever produced. Part of that fortune has been a keen understanding of the Pan i
National Panorama 2020 Single Pan Preliminaries judging will commence with the eight bands in the Northern Region on Monday November 4, 2019. The exercise begins at 7:00 p.m. with Music Makers, Straker Village, Picton Road, L