Pan Times's Discussions (7521)

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Pan Trinbago vex with culture minister

Trinidad and Tobago Newsday 

-  Joan Rampersad

She dropped the ball on pan in Carifesta’

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, Minister of Community Development, Culture and the Arts.

Pan Trinbago is most upset with Minister of Community

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World Pan Day -- Newsday

4184803.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710x Pan Trinbago president Beverley Ramsey-Moore.

THE month of August is pan month with a number of pan events occurring across the country. From now on, August 11 will be known as World Pan Day. This was announced Sunday at the Pan Trinbago head offic

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Bemoaning underachievement

Martin Daly


,,,Regarding merit, I have repeatedly pointed out, for example, that our disadvantaged communities comprise many persons of enormous scientific talent who invented and perfected and now maintain the steel drum. Its music now captivates t

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The passing of Lynette Gabriel

By Katie Segal  -- Soca News


Lyn, who came to the UK in 1956, has always been part of carnival. Her uncle was Sterling Betancourt, one of the Notting Hill Carnival’s steel pan pioneers, her dad a pannist and her mother a carnival queen. Lyn and Carl

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Carnival Round-Up - UK 2019


London News Global Views

...The Notting Hill Carnival is rightly regarded as an institution in London. It’s the largest street party in Europe and second largest carnival in the world trailing only Rio de Janeiro. Over the coming Bank Holiday weeken

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