Miss World Trinidad and Tobago Tya Janè Ramey plays pan with some Venezuelan migrant children of the La Romain Migrant Support Group at the Golden Hands Pan Orchestra yesterday.
(Trinidad Guardian)Fleeing a country riddled with political and
“We want them to see that they can also use music as a trade and as a job. We have evidence that people who left the classes in previous years went on to become professional musicians, landing jobs on cruise ships and in other inter
Nicholas Brancker’s genius-level musical skills took centre stage at Fusions held on the lawns of Ilaro Court last Saturday night. All eyes were on the multi-talented musician and his backing band on a night where not only
Caribbean and other residents in South New Jersey and neighboring Philadelphia reveled in the rhythmic sounds of the Caribbean, took in the cornucopia of Caribbean colors and feasted on Caribbean delicacies, among other things, in
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - The steelband pride of Lopinot, Supernovas Steel Orchestra will headline this month’s “Pan For The People Concert” series in Trinidad & Tobago.
Hosted by the Eastern Region of Pan Trinbago, the free concert will take place
Global - Lore has him as one of the greatest double-tenor players to have ever walked the planet. Through the eyes of someone who knew him closely—his former wife Kathryn Barbour—the steelband world gets an upclose and personal l
Pan cyan dun with Reddy Panners, the Combined Youth Steel Orchestra out of Barbados, Phase II and Silver Stars out of Trinidad and Panache out of Antigua.
A screenshot from a Facebook video by brass band musician Christopher Henry shows police activity at the corner of Frenchmen and Chartres streets last night.
Video of an altercation between Frenchmen Street brass