Pan Times's Discussions (7521)

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Gov’t takes over steelband body

The Keith Mitchell-led New National Party (NNP) government has apparently taken over the running of the Grenada Steelband Association (GSA) following months of bickering between two warring factions.

Desiree-Stephen-144x150.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xTHE NEW TODAY has obtained correspondence in which

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Iowa Steel Bands drumming into town


On Thursday night, the Iowa Steel Bands will perform a mixture of traditional and pop music on bowl-shaped, or steel, drums.

Thursday at 7:30 p.m., the Iowa Steel Bands will perform a selection of percussive steel drum pieces in Voxman.

“We will ha

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French youth pannists visit TT

Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Eight children from the band P’tit Pan of Nantes, France, flew into TT last Tuesday to learn the rudiments of pan, and also to familiarise themselves with the culture of this country.

They were

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No end to steelband war

The New Today

With the annual Spicemas festival only four months away, government is making a last minute desperate effort to bring an end to a bitter internal feuding within the Grenada Steelbands Association (GSBA).


Jason Skeete – walked out of the

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