Pan Times's Discussions (7521)

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Tobago steelbands ready for Panorama

Trinidad Newsday

Struggles with sponsorship, stipends but

Steelband officials in Tobago are pressing on with preparations for Panorama despite the challenges.

While some blamed the non-payment of players' remittances and cutbacks in sponsorship for

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Unsponsored bands feel the pinch

Trinidad Guardian

Eighty–year-old Daisy James-Mc­Clean, leader of the Harlem Syn­co­pa­tors Steel Or­ches­tra, sacrificed and saved over the years using her pension money to buy the land where the band is on at Quar­ry Street, Port-of-Spain.

The sub­

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Pain of playing pan


Pannists suffer poor posture, muscle strains

PAN players, both young and not so young, agree that playing the national instrument is out of love, but what does that love cost, physically?

Sunday Newsday met with physical therapist Dr Nicole De Freit

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