Pan Times's Discussions (7521)

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Pan and mas, through Desperadoes eyes

Trinidad Newsday


“The steelbands concentrated then on masquerading as ‘Sailors’ and ‘African Warriors’. By the late 1950’s, however, a few steelbands began to display original costumes and focus on ‘pretty mas’ such as ... ‘Noah’s Ark’ in 1959 by

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Panorama 2019 Performances

Arima All Stars Steel Orchestra performs for the judges at the Trinidad and Tobago National Single Pan Panorama Preliminaries 2019. They played "Different Me", a composition of Jovan James, sung by 5 Star Akil. The band's arranger is Andy A. Neils.

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An Opportunity for Pan

by Wesley Gibbings

Provided by, and republished with, the expressed permission of: the Author

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Let’s face it, notwithstanding the severe difficulties currently being faced by the organisation with overall responsibility for t

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The Mighty Shadow | Icon

By Attillah Springer

Dear Winston, the Immortal,

Now that you are gone but not really, I can say some of the things I always wanted to say to you, but could never find the words or the right moment.

On our encounters, I always felt like I was in the

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  1. Authority                                                                2        
  2. Definitions                                                             2 - 3
  3. Management                               

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