Who is Darius Austin? International 2020 Pan Ramajay Participant - A WST look at the outstanding performing #steelpan artist and National Steel Orchestra of Guyana member.
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - “Her vision for Pan - “For the national instrument to be treated as such, for pan men and women to be secured after retirement, for steelpan to reach as far as being featured o
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - When Tracy Thornton first heard the banging in his head, he hammered it out on heavy metal, beating it into shape with a variety of local headbangers. But a chance encounter with Calypso percussion in
Plans announced for Brooklyn’s J’ouvert Parade 2020
Brooklyn, NY— J’Ouvert City International has announced its plans for the 2020 festival usually held in the pre-dawn hours every Labor Day. As our State, our nation and our world contin
Global - When Steel Talks extends congratulations to the 2020 International Ramajay organizer Exodus Steel Orchestra and all the contestants in the steelpan competition. You were outstanding.
When Steel Talks extends congratulations to the organizer Exodus Steel Orchestra and all the contestants in the 2020 International Ramajay. You were outstanding.
2020 International Pan Ramajay - Soloists, Duos, Quartets - FINALS Results
Global -The2020 International Pan RamajayFinals are being live streamed, featuring steelpan performers from around the world in three categories. TenSoloists, fiveDuosand fiveQuartetswill display the musicianship of some of the finest steelp
“Visa is proud to support Republic Bank Exodus Pan Ramajay and bring experiences as unique as the Trinidad and Tobago DNA.” – said Waldemar Cordero, Head of Marketing for Central America and Caribbean, as he announced Visa’s support for Pan Ramajay
After intervention by Mrs. Beverley Ramsey-Moore, President - Pan Trinbago, we are pleased to advise that steelbands can resume rehearsals following the strict protocols established by the government:
Barring any major change in the COVID-19 trends locally, masqueraders can look forward to carnival 2021. As of now, the greatest show on earth will not be cancelled, but it’s likely many international visitors won’t be allowed into the country
Excited!!!!! Today, the CUB Hells Gate Steel Orchestra presents a live concert for father's day!!!We are also elated to feature Zahra Mawusi Lake @o'neal Mason and Annia Matthews who will share their talents with you! See you then!!!!