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  • thanks guys for the encouragement and one of these good dayz i would snap these people with something interesting 

  • A friend told me to listen to this tune and he was right. It is a very good tune. Keep it up breds.

  • Simeon it is inconceivable to me how no band has consider your tune as their tune of choice for this year's

    panorama competition, we all go through that sometimes in our lives but I must encourage you not to give up

    on composing music for our national event, better days are ahead just keep on keeping on. "Steelband's

    Dark Horse" is a bad "watch your mouth Don.....AOL.     

  • Nice tune.

  • if only one big band hold on to this it will cause trouble i feeling it ...

    but the pan world its quite difficult to please our people in trinidad what a shame.....

  • thank you Mr. Don Clarke and to you as well... I do admire your work as well

  • Simeon this is a nice composition best of luck in 2014.

  • Despers...........& or Silver Stars could arrage this tune.

  • Nice tune,Robbie please consider this one.

  • thank you Mr vemon

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